Chapter 15

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It had been the Same old boring day at work. I actually didn't mind my job I work at a small record store, it's never too busy threw the week so my job is manly cleaning and restocking the shelves, not to bad.

I was on my break when I got a text from kellin

Kellin- hey, I'm going to get all the boys around for about six and order some food In get some drinks and tell them about the recored label, what do you want to drink since you can't buy it yourself lol :) x

Me- hey don't be telling people that they will be calling you a pedo x.

Kellin- it's not that much of an age difference it's not my fault when your birthday lands x.

Me- hmm, anyway I'll have vodka please :)x.

Kellin- ok. also me and the boys are taking you out on your birthday weekend x.

Me- yay, I've never been on a proper night out before x.

Kellin- that's because your to young x.

Me- again watch what your saying people might get the wrong idea x

Kellin- oh shut up it's only a less than 2 year age difference you make it sound like it's a 20 year age difference x.

Me-haha, anyway I've got to get back to work see you later, bye x.

Kellin-see you later x.

After finishing texting kellin I had a minute left on break so I just made my way back in and finished up my shift.
luckily one of the girls I speak to was on shift with me today so at lest I had someone to chat to.

(Time skip)

"I'm home" I shout walking into the living room to find all the boys around the living room some on the couch and some on the floor.
everyone said a hello or a hey before I went into the kitchen where I found kellin making drinks.

"Hey how was work?"he asked handing me a drink "same shit different day, you" I ask
"Same, well food is on its way it's pizza got pepperoni for me and you to share" he said walking back into the living room with a hand full of drinks "ok cool I'm going to get my pjs on, be right back" I rushed up stairs and got out of my work outfit and Into some pj bottoms and a fall out boy jumper.

"FOOD!!!" I hear most the boys scream from down stairs taking that as a sign that I should go down stairs.

"Right now that y/n is here as well I get to tell you all the surprise" kellin's smile was blinding he was so excited "just tell us already" Jesse said being inpatient "sleeping with sirens have been signed for a record label with Rise Records" I couldn't help but to sit back and watch all the boys reactions.

"No way, that's sick" Jack said excitedly "wow" is all most of them could get out if that. "When do we start?" Jack asked.

"That's the thing it starts the start of next month so in a week, I'm sorry guys I've known for a while it's just been hard to get you all in the same place at the same time" kellin's smile soon turned to worry.

"Don't worry, I know it's been mad the last few weeks with us all and work and everything else, I just can't believe it" Gabe says still in shock
"Well let's fucking drink to that" Nick shouts lifting his glass as the rest of us did the same "to new beginnings" I shout downing my drink of vodka.

It's been many hours since I got home and everyone started drinking. Unlike last time were everyone was sleeping everywhere this time. We sorted an air mattress for the living room that had a very drunk Jack and Gabe on, on the sofa was Jesse, Nick went to his bedroom and that's where me and kellin where off as we where the only ones with bedrooms upstairs.

"Good night Kel's" I said drunkly lent up against my bedroom door frame for support " that's new 'Kel's nice" kellin rocked back and forth as he stood thinking:

"Well good night babe" kellin said leaning in for a quick kiss before I pulled away tasting the mix of whatever he had been drinking and vodka it wasn't nice but I can get pasted it

"Oh that's a new one as well 'babe'" I blush.

"Now get to bed" I demand trying to be serious but just ended up giggling
"But I want you to come to bed with me please" kellin begged "no I told you that I was staying in my bed tonight so off to bed" I said giving him a wave "what if I stay in your bed" kellin begged again which I repeated with a no "fine mom god" he walks off laughing to himself "and if you carry on with that attitude you will be grounded" i joke making him giggle as he walked through his bedroom door well it was more of a stumble.

I closed my bedroom door and fell straight into bed letting my body hit the soft bed I was yet to sleep on.

I really did want to sleep wrapped up in kellin's arms again I was just to stubborn to give in even if I did want to stay with him I've got to prove my point.

It might just be the alcohol but I think I'm really falling for kellin quinn bostwick. I giggled knowing how mad he would be for me saying his last name.

But I really think I am falling for him but what do I know, right?

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