Chapter 46

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We where stood in the kitchen kellin waiting for me to start specking.
"What's going to happen now" I thought that would be a good question to start on but I only got confused looks from kellin "what happens now with the boys and the baby on the way" I ask making my question a bit more clear.

"Well we can't keep Liam and Rowan here long because there not my blood and I can't rightfully take care of them with out them being given to me and there grandmother wants them at hers, which is understandable" kellin looked upset that he couldn't take care of the boys because he wasn't blood family. I felt terrible that kellin couldn't do anything even though he would drop everything for these kids blood family or not.

"What about when the baby is born?" I asked making kellin smile this time which had to be good news.

"When she's born Katelynne's mother has already said that she's coming straight home with us until Katelynne's in a better place. Then we can go split custody once she's got Better" kellin was over the moon that he got to take his baby home for the first time I can't wait to see the day she's born he's going to be the happiest man alive.

"I'm glad you get your daughter, but if that's the case we can't live here and have a baby around. Yes there's my room for her but don't you want a nice family home for her to come home to" I had been thinking about this for a while about me and kellin getting a place of our own and what better time than now.

"Yeah your right, go and get your laptop" i run upstairs and come back down with my laptop in hand sitting on the couch next to kellin opening the lid to reveal the last thing open on my laptop. The cover of sleeping with sirens first unreleased album that i created. I was still proud of myself that I made that and there going to use it.

I shut that down and give the laptop to kellin. He went straight online looking at housing website for the area.

We where sat there for hours looking at houses in the area trying to fine something nice and affordable. By the time we had narrowed it down to a few nice ones Rowan and Liam where sleeping by me on the couch. They where so cute hugging each other as they slept on the the couch.

"Can we call it a night and take the kids to bed" I ask about to fall asleep myself. Kellin said nothing and just got up putting the laptop on the coffee table picking up Liam taking him up the stairs I follow with Rowan.

We put the kids to bed and say good night and I love you even though they where sleeping just in case they could hear us.

I basically ran into kellin's room and jumped into bed making myself very comfortable. kellin shook his head and laughed laying next to me. Everything was silent I wanted to speck to him I just didn't want to break the peaceful silence.

"Kels" I look over to him in the dark room he turned around letting me know he was listening "is it bad that since my mother died I haven't been more upset it was only the first day that I was really upset and now I'm just glad" I take a deep breath trying not to get upset and mess up my words "what I'm trying to say is I'm happy that she's dead because I believe she's happier now" I say probably making kellin think I'm mad for basically saying I'm happy my mother is dead. Well there was no basically about it I did just tell him I was happy my mother died.

"I get where your coming from. She ended her life because she was trapped and couldn't find a way out of her habits" he smiled reassuring me that it wasn't bad for me to think that way "exactly" I whisper kissing kellin lightly on the lips.

I rest my head on the pillow closing my eyes and falling asleep. One thing that my mother dying has taught me is to take the help that is given to you and do something about your problems before it's to late and you can't escape and your stuck in constant suffering.

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