Chapter 18

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I was the first to go up to my room.
I left Nick and kellin to talk about whatever I lost track of what they where saying from how tired I was.

I got straight into my pyjamas and took my makeup off falling into my comfy bed I loved so much.

Even though I was struggling to keep my eyes open down stairs I was lead in bed with my eyes closed just thinking about today and for once I could say there was nothing that ran through my mind that made me feel down or upset. I could lay smiling knowing that I was kellin's girlfriend and that him and my brother and our other friends are finally getting the chance to start something big.

Everything was going well almost to well in the past week but I'm not complaining. I've been feeling a bit better I've been spending more time with my friends again (sleeping with sirens) you would think they would all just treat me like I'm just nicks little sister but they do the opposite there my friend and I have a strong relationship with them all.

I've also been spending a lot more time with Nick which is nice because even if he may seem like the annoying dickhead brother which he is but there's also a more caring side to him which has really helped growing up with a bit of a shit childhood.

When our mother would leave or be off her face on drugs Nick always made sure I was ok and going to school.

he always put me before him when my mother was arguing with one of her boyfriends and things got a bit out of control Nick would always take me to the park or around kellin's with him to get me away from that situation.

If it wasn't for Nick my childhood would of been a hell of a lot worse.

Specking of family my dad text me a few days ago asking how I was.
I've always been a daddy's girl but I never really got to see my dad as my mother was an ass and wouldn't let him see me most the time. But he always tried to fight back for me but of course my mother had to get the court involved and some how they give her full custody.

Another reason I didn't really see my dad was because I didn't like leaving Nick. We never knew who nicks father was my mother doesn't even know her self because she was sleeping with that many people she couldn't even put a name to her baby's father.

now I can I try and see my dad as much as I can which is hard between his work and his new family.

Not long after my parents split my dad got with Someone new and like most couples they got married and had a little girl. She's about 13 now, she never been my biggest fan to say the lest.

That's because she just doesn't like the fact that I'm dad's favourite and even though he's never actually said I'm the favourite but he just think she's a spoiled brat and gets everything she wants which she dose her mother treats her like a princess and gives her everything she wants.

I do wonder if my dads is actually happy with that family the last time I seen him in person he seemed drained. I mean he's always doing overtime to pay for everything they want and he just didn't seem happy at all.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts hearing the door open looking up to see kellin stood in the door way.

"Hey how aren't you alsleep yet I thought you were tired?" Kellin quietly asked "what time is it?" I ask
"It's just gone 2, ive just came up from watching tv" fuck it was 2 in the morning already I had came to bed almost 3 hours ago and just lead thinking for that long.

"Wow I thought I had only been up here for like 20 minutes" I laugh running my hand through my hair.

"So-" kellin just stood there swinging back and forth on his heel "kellin stop creeping and just get into bed" I say smiling picking up the blanket for him to get in "well thank you though you would never ask" he jokes taking off his jeans and jacket to leave him in just his T-shirt and boxers.

Kellin slid into bed and wrapped his arms around the back of my waist pulling me into him making me the little spoon.

"I had another great day today Kel's  thank you" I whisper feeling sleepy all the sudden closing my eyes "you had a good day? I can finally call you my girlfriend" he giggles pulling me in closer and kissing the top of my head "I can call you kellin quinn botwick my boyfriend" I made sure to say his last name just to piss him off which worked.

"Really the last name, you did that just to piss me off didn't you?" he muttered under his breath into my ear "Yes I did just do that to piss you off" i grin widely proud of myself.

"Fine then good night y/n m/n Martin" kellin also grins proudly knowing how much I hate my middle name
"Good night kellin quinn Bostwick" I grin back lifting my head up for one last kiss before finally falling asleep.

OK SOON AND I MEAN SOON!! this story will get interesting, I hope, but just wait.

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