Chapter 43

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Liams pov:

I was so tired on the way home I feel asleep. I felt myself being picked up out of the car but keep my eyes closed so I could be taken into the house and put to bed with out having to walk.

I got set into a comfy bed and heard a little 'goodnight' before the room went quiet.

I rolled over and started thinking about mommy. she was so mean to me. All I was doing was trying to help and she just screamed at me, Was I really that bad. What if she doesn't love me anymore?.

I was crying. my mommy didn't love me and my daddy told me he couldn't put up with me. know one loves me.

Kellin's PoV:

I had calmed down and gone to bed with y/n around an hour ago. She had just dropped off to sleep but I couldn't sleep. I was worried the woman that's carrying my little girl isn't well and isn't in any shape to look after her kids.

I was feed up of laying in bed just thinking. I needed to get up and try and clear my head. I got up and walked out of mine and y/n's room walking towards the stairs. I could hear crying? From somewhere making me stop to go and check the kids room.

I opened the door to find Rowan fast asleep in his little bed making me smile at how perfect he was. I turned away from his little cot bed and looked to the double bed to the side of it. Liam was sat up right rubbing his eyes crying.

"Liam, come here, what's wrong?" I whisper sitting by the side of him pulling him into my lap and cradling him in my arms. "Know one loves me" he cried holding onto me "that's not true! Your mommy loves you. Your daddy loves you lots of people love you" I felt so bad for him. all in one day his dad left him and he had to be taken away from his mother.

"They don't love me. My daddy is always shouting at me and telling me he's going to hit me and mommy just screams and shouts at me all the time when I'm trying to help her" Lima said looking up into my eyes making me tear up "I didn't know your daddy was like that" I said in shock. threatening to hit his son is wrong even if he didn't hit him it's still not right "has he ever hit you" I muttered looking away from Liam not wanting to look at him when he answered my question.

"Only like 4 times, he gets really mad sometimes about mommy and hits me" Liam was shaking in my arms.
My blood was boiling not only was his father threatening to hit him but he did.

"Listen to me you're not going back with you daddy ok, he's not going to hit you again" I grit my teeth pushing my lips into a small smile looking down at Liam getting a sad smile back "what about mommy is she going to be ok and my little sister?" He sat up a bit looking at me with wide eyes "she's going to be ok she's with you nanny now so don't worry" I reassured him.

I sat with Liam in my arms for a while just calming him down and making sure he was ok.

"Come on let's get you back into bed. It's been a long day" I give him one last hug and stand up placing him back in bed pulling the blanket over him.

"Can I tell you something?" Liam asked "yeah of course" I smile.
"I sometimes wish you and y/n where my mommy and daddy" Liam whispered into my ear making me smile and frown honeyed but upset that his parents have let him down.

I kiss Liam's forehead "me to buddy me to" I whisper walking to the bedroom door "goodnight, I love you" I whisper from outside the door getting a love you and good night back before I closed the door and walked back into my room Laying down in bed wrapping my arms around y/n and pulling her closer to my chest.

"Babe?" Y/n questions sleepily "yes?" I  question back "I love you" she says with a smile in her voice "I love you too" I whisper into her ear making her giggle and mover her head around on the pillow.

We both feel asleep straight away.
What a mad day it's been. It was upsetting to say the least, but in the end I was happy to have the beautiful love of my life in my arms and two amazing kids wrapped up in bed in the room across the hall.

Even though they weren't mine or
y/n's kids I feel like the 4 of us together will make a good little team. Until Katelynne gets the help she needs this was going to be our little family and I was going to make sure that everyone was treated right and especially for Liam show him that he is loved and cared for maybe not so much by his mom and dad but by me and everyone else In his life.

Tomorrow I'm going to take them out with some of the sleeping with sirens boys and y/n if she's up for it to a swimming pool or do something fun instead of sitting In and doing nothing.  plus it will be good to get the kids mind off of there mother and it will also get y/n and Nicks mind off of there mother to.

These next few days are going to be busy.

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