Chapter 47

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Lima's  PoV:

(3 weeks later)

It was so fun living with kellin and y/n I wanted to stay with them forever but last week my grandma took me away and now I'm living with her and mommy at her house. Mommy still isn't very well but I think she's doing better. Living with grandma isn't as fun as living with kellin, Nick and y/n.
I miss them, but mommy and grandma said "there not your parents so you can't live with them" which I already knew but it still Doesn't mean I'm not going to miss them.

Kellin's PoV:

The boys had left to live with there grandmother a few days ago and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss rowans morning wake up calls, Liams amazing game ideas, Rowan leaning how to walk properly and learn new words and so much more that i will really miss. soon i'll have these memories with my own baby and watch her grow up.

House searching was going good we picked a top 3 and where going to go look at them today hopefully one of them will be nice enough.

"You ready Kels" I snap out of my thoughts and walk over to y/n who was stood by the door ready to go.
She was so exited to look at all these houses mainly cause she wanted to decorate the house once we buy one. Shes already been looking at paint, wallpaper and other decorations she thinks would look really nice.

The first house was just a 10 minute drive away. It was a three bedroom house which is what we wanted but it just didn't have a homely feel to it and all the rooms where really Really small and for what it was it was really overpriced.

The second house was only a 2 bedroom house but it had a basement and a drive way and it was a lot bigger than the other house but it was more in main town and for the short 20 minute we where there you could hear everything from outside people, cars, everything.

The last house was 30 minutes away from main town quite hidden in trees it was peaceful. The inside of the house was rough around the edges definitely needed some work done but nothing we can't fix. This house was a two bedroom with an office room, both the bedrooms where good sizes the one master bedroom has an on sweet. The living room, kitchen, dining room and main bathroom where all good sized and would look great all done up and decorated. Plus there was a drive and a basement where I could practice with sleeping with sirens if we ever became a big deal.

"So what are you thinking" the sales woman asked smiling at me and y/n. I could tell y/n loved this house just as much as I did "do you want to make an offer?" I ask y/n getting a wide smile back "we would like to make on offer"

We filed out sheets of paper work and got told we would find out with in the next 2 days if the house was ours or not. I forgot about that part if I'm being honest, yes this house was most definitely the one but what if someone else looks at it and offered more money than us. We can't afford anything more expensive I know both me and y/n have already offered our whole life saving and we couldn't afford to give more money with mine and her low paying jobs it was going to be hard to find anything else this nice for the money we can offer. I guess we just have to hope everything goes well and we get the house.

Y/n's pov:

We get home from house shopping exited and happy to have just made an offer on what could be our home. Fingers crossed.

"Kellin" I smirk dragging out the 'in' making him give me a confused look "what" kellin drags out the 't' mocking me "well this is the first time we have had the house to ourselves in a while and I still need to repay you for the other week at the swimming pool" i shyly say looking anywhere but at kellin.

The room went silent I was looking down at the floor and didn't know how kellin reached. I was scared this was the first time I've ever really suggested it to kellin it's always been the other way around.

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