Chapter 45

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We had all been swimming around the pool for an hour or two and got out to get changed. Liam and Rowan wanted to go with Nick to get changed in the boys changing room so I handed their cloths over and walked into my changing room locking the door.

"Hey" I spin around from the door and see kellin stood behind me still in his swimming trunks "what are you doing in here?" I whisper shout smacking him with my towel pushing past him to get to my clothes.
"Wanted to come and see you" he's said although I couldn't see him I could tell he was smirking just by the way he was talking.

I roll my eyes and turn around to face him only to get pushed up against the wall and have his lips attach to mine. I melted right into the kiss pushing my hips up against kellin's lower half making him let out a small moan into my mouth pulling away from the kiss and looking down at me leaning down ever so slowly to my ear whispering "take your swimsuit off for me"... "now"

I blush and feel weak just by his words. I followed his instructions straight away and take off my swimsuit throwing it to the floor now stood completely naked. Kellin looked me up and down and leant me back up against the wall kissing me from my lips to my neck. I bit down on my lip trying my best not to let a little moan slip.

Kellin continued attacking my neck most definitely leaving marks "baby. Please- do something" kellin didn't hold back on doing what I asked for moving his hands from my shoulders and moving them to my heat very very slowly gliding over my wet clit and slowly entering my entire making me catch my breath in my throat and bite down on my tongue.

Kellin started slow pumping his fingers in and out of me but it didn't take long before he picked up the pace. I grabbed hold of his back and dug my nails into his back trying to keep myself upright and not fall from how weak my legs had gotten.

I was so close to my high when there was a knock at the door making me snap out of the pleasure I was having to look at the door "h-ello" I stutter out kellin not showing any signs of stopping.

"Hey, just letting you know I'm ready and I'm going outside" it was Jenna. Oh shit kellin I thought to myself wanting to scream it as he added another finger into me, but I bit my tongue and said a fast "ok" to Jenna
"Or I could wait for you, these no one else in here and I don't want to leave you on you own" oh my god please go away "n-no its f-ine" I shut my eyes so tight.

This was hell kellin was pumping three fingers in and out of me and rubbing my clit as fast as he could and I couldn't scream his name in pleasure.

"Ok see you at the restaurant" she said as sweet as ever as the person she's specking to on the other side of the door is being finger fucked.
"See you th-ere" I shout unintentionally lifting my hand up to my mouth and biting down on it, he found this so amusing watching me trying to keep a conversation with Jenna while he made it harder for me to keep quiet.

Jenna's foot stepped got quieter and after what felt like a life time the door opened and closed meaning me and kellin where alone.

"Oh fuck kellin, fuck, fuck, shit!" I scream throwing my head back and cumming all over kellin's fingers making him grin and lick his fingers clean.

"Holy shit" I try and catch my breath sliding down the wall to sit on the little bench in the charging room "that was hot" Kellin laughed picking up a towel "it was hell" I wanted to shout but it came out in more of a whisper "but it felt so good" i smile to myself closing my eyes finally catching my breath.

"Come on let's get dressed" kellin say handing me a towel "do you not want something in return?" I asked giving him a confused look. He again got ever so close to my ear and ever so slowly said "you can repay me any time you want sweetheart"

I smirk and kissed his cheek.

We finally got changed as quick as we could and ran out to the car seeing that the kids car seats where gone meaning one of the boys had them in there car.

We got to the restaurant and everyone was sat down "look who decided to show up" jack joked waving over to us I blushed and sat in a seat next to Justin and kellin sat the other side of me. "So what took you two so long?" Jesse smirked, luckily I was quick thinking and made up the perfect excuse "kellin was taking forever to get his hair perfect" I rolled my eyes.

Everyone seemed to buy it thank god.

Dinner went well apart from kellin making little inappropriate jokes that know one really got other than me.
We got back to the house and let the kids play in the living room for a while. Nick and Jenna had gone to her place, so it was just me kellin and the boys. It was peaceful sitting there watching the two of them play and letting there imagination run wild.

Although I was sat enjoying being wrapped in kellin's arms watching the kids play, I couldn't help by to think is this my life now?. A family woman. Where the boys going to stay her forever. Not that it would be a bad thing because I Love them both and think there amazing young men. But was I ready to stop my life and become the sit at home mother to these kids, I'm only 21 I didn't plan on having kids Intel at least 26-27 and even that's young.

"Kellin can we talk" I ask him standing up leaded him to the kitchen.  I didn't want to do this but I needed to know what the plan of action actually was.

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