Chapter 48

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Y/n PoV:

"Kellin! Kellin! Wake up!" I shout shacking kellin trying to wake him up
"What?" He rolls over to look at me with tired eyes "it's the people who showed us the houses calling" I grin holding up the phone passing it to him "calling this soon?" Kellin said rubbing his eyes "I don't know just take the call" I whisper shout excitedly.

As soon as kellin picked up the phone my stomach dropped. What if we've not got the house . What if they say no or they want more money. we don't have anymore money to give.

I sat biting my finger nails waiting for Kellin get off the phone, he ended the phone saying thank you and goodbye. His face was expressionless making it hard to tell if it was good or bad news.

The room went uncontrollably silent. kellin put the phone back on the bed side table I had picked it up from turning back to face me with the straightest face I've ever seen on kellin.

"we got the house" kellin said so casually.
we actually got the house, our first home.

"No we didn't!" I almost screamed. Kellin just nods his head yes "oh my fucking god we got the house!" I screamed trowing myself onto kellin with tears gently falling from my eyes. Happy tears of course I was just in shock and unbelievably happy.

"She said we need to go and do some more paperwork this afternoon and then we get the keys" kellin smiles running his hand through his hair.
"Where getting the keys today" I said mind blown from how quickly this was happening "yep let's get ready" kellin and I jump out of bed and started getting ready to pick up the keys!!

I can't believe it. It's all happening so fast. Just the other day we where viewing the house and putting an offer on it and now it's ours. I've never been this excited about anything . I get to move in and start everything fresh, all the painting and decorating how ever I want. Well if kellin likes it as well it is his house too.

The next few hours waiting around until  it was time to pick up the keys felt like forever. I did everything to try and make the time go faster, I cleaned, I talked to kellin, I talked to Nick, I watched tv, I helped kellin with some song lyrics he was working on, I cleaned again!. Nothing made the time go faster but finally it was time to go to the agency and pick up the keys.

I drove for a change. Meaning kellin had control of the radio,He put on the used which I didn't mind at all.
We finally got there and made our way into the little shop sitting in the waiting room until we got called.

"Mr and Mrs Bostwick" a woman called. me and kellin both ignoring the fact she said Mr and Mrs Bostwick not just Mr. I wasn't complaining though it sounded good Mr and Mrs Bostwick. Not that I'm in any means ready to get married just in the future it would sound nice.

Me and Kellin followed the woman to sit at her desk "so I'm loral and I'll be helping you sign the last of the paperwork on the house and hand you the keys" she smiled. She was an extremely pretty girl she had blonde hair down to her shoulders and her makeup looked so perfect and she had the perfect figure to. She must of been only around mine and kellin's age.

"Y/n" loral called I shake my head and smile "sorry I got lost in thought there" I fake laugh getting one from her "alright if you write your details here next to kellin's the house is all yours" she said pushing the paper towards me. I filed in all my details and handed the paper back over the her.

"Alright if you would like to follow me and I'll get your keys" she said getting up from the desk and to a wall full of keys. I felt like I was going to cry, after all the excitement and waiting to come and collect the keys I was upset.
Upset that I was comparing myself to the person that just handed me the keys to my new life, for the moment I seen loral I was looking at her and thinking how much better she looked compared to me. it's not just her I've do it with Every woman I see anywhere I compare myself to and think how much better they are compared to me.

"I hope you two enjoy the new house. Have a lovely day" loral waved us goodbye as we left the shop. She probably thought I was a right bitch I couldn't even say goodbye or wave back I just left.

I walked back to the car as quick as possible sitting in the passenger side trying to control my breathing.

"What the fuck is going on" kellin asked slamming the door and putting his belt on "I'm sorry" I said taking a deep breath trying to stop myself from getting emotional.

"What's wrong we just got a house why are you upset?" Kellin sounded pissed off.

"Well just because we got a fucking house doesn't mean I'm not a fucking bitch that can't do anything with out comparing myself to others"i particularly scram wanting the grown to fall apart beneath me and just fall into nothingness.

"This is about loral isn't it?, listen she might look pretty and perfect but trust me she's not. She worked with me when I was sixteen for a while at a burger place and trust she's all fake the hair is bleached otherwise she would be bright ginger and the makeup trust me I seen her everyday with out it at my old work and she did not look the same and don't get me started on how bad her personality is. The point I'm trying to make is don't compare yourself to others when you're perfect the way you are. Everyone is different for a reason and everyone has that someone that loves them for everything they have like loral she'll find someone who loves her for her strange personality and fake looks and you've found somebody who loves you for being you. Everyone finds someone who's perfect for them and I've found my perfect person so if you're scared of me finding someone else it's not going to happen" kellin leans over and makes eye contact with me through out his whole speech ending it with a smile making me smile back at him.

"You're to good to me" I said closing my eyes and falling back into my seat to relax "and you're to good to me so I think we can call it even" kellin laughed under his breath starting up the car "now new house here we come!" Kellin shouts putting all the windows down speeding onto the street out of the car park.

New house here we come indeed.

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