Chapter 32

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Kellin's pov:

I wake up to the sound of raindrops on the roof of the tree house.
I look over to see y/n still fast asleep next to me. She was so peaceful when she was asleep. I couldn't help but smile at her black hair covering her face.

I Slowly pushing the hair out of her face and placing a kiss on her forehead making a little grin appear on her face.

"Is someone pretending to sleep" I get right up close hearing her let out a slight giggle. I continue winding her up getting even closer and closer to her face placing my lips onto hers.

"Well good morning" she smiles putting her hands in my hair playing with it softly making me blush.

"What time is it?" She asked stretching I grab her phone and see many messages from Nick and one from her therapist what did she want?. I handed the phone to y/n hearing her sigh and throw her phone down and roll around the bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask making her sit up and grab her phone again "it's almost 11 and I have an appointment with my therapist at 12" she gives me a fake smile and lays her head on my shoulder.

"But you know it's good for you" I say resting my head on top of hers
"I know it's just upsetting and draining to go through everything but I know it's going to be good for me in the long run" I felt bad for her having to bring up her passed but it will all be worth it in the end.

she's been seeing this therapist for the past month or so and she's already improved so much. She hasn't cut for over a month which is the best news ever, I just hope I can keep it that way and stop her from getting bad again.

"Kellin you there" y/n shouts making me snap out of my thoughts "come on let's go" she smiles kissing my cheek and getting out of the bed to put her shoes on.

We locked up the tree house and made sure we had everything and walked back home hand in hand.

Y/n's PoV:

"Where did you two go?" Nick asked as soon as we got into the house "it's a secret anyway is your girlfriend here? and is she coming later?" I question quickly needing to be on the way to therapy In a few minutes.

"no she not here, and yes she is coming later" Nick tried to act cool about her coming but i could tell he was happy she was coming

"yay! well I have to go bye" I jump around exited to have another girl out with us tonight before running out the house and to my car making my way to another therapy session.

(At therapy)

"So what's been going on since the last time I seen you?" The lady asked smiling way to much at me.

"Well, I turned 21, me and my partner are very much happy and have worked things out, oh and I met his ex the one he's having the baby with" I finally breathe.

"well I'm glad you worked thing out with him from what you've told me about him he's a really sweet guy" she flashes an even bigger smile "so how was meeting the mother of his child?" She asked

"It started off ok, then went a bit down hill, then we really got on and we now know that there having a little girl" I smile at the last part already knowing how cute kellin is going to be with a little girl.

"That's amazing news So do you think your ready to be a step parent?" Here's the question that has been on my mind a lot lately.

"To be honest Im not sure I want to be, I really do because even if this baby isn't mine I will still love her and I know that because I already do love her even if she isn't here yet but there is something that's holding me back from being 100% sure I'm ready" I've been wanting to get that off my chest for so long.

"I could be wrong but we have talked a lot about your bad childhood and the things that you have seen in a way do you think you could be scared of you being like your mother and messing up this little girl childhood" everything she said made sense.
I started to tear up I wasn't scared of the baby. I was scared of myself becoming my mother.

We talked for another 40 minutes or so before it was the end of the session. I came out having the answer to the questions I needed answered. I felt better and my therapist made a good job of making me feel more normal about my struggles.

I got into the car and turned my phone back on to see a notification from katelynne. I had added her number to my contacts last night.


Katelynne: hey I was wondering if you wanted to come to the kids soft play with me and the boys on Monday so you could meet them and we could get to know each other more over coffee.

Me: I would love too, let me know a time and I'll be there.

Katelynne: it will be around 4 after school ends I'll pick you up on the way if you like.

Me: yeah thanks I'll see you then.

(End of text)

I put my phone down and felt relieved that me and katelynne where getting on. It will be nice for me to meet her two other kids I bet they are lovely.

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