Chapter 34

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We picked up nicks girlfriend and went to the restaurant we got talking and we both got on really well she was a really nice girl and  she was beautiful to Nick definitely got lucky.

We all ordered and ate are food leaving shortly after to the strip of bars along the street ready to get started on the alcohol.

We went into the club that the guys said was the best. It looked great, flashing lights, decent music and filled with drunk people.

"Jenna, come on let's get drinks" I shouted over the music pulling Jenna to the bar. We both ordered a sex on the beach cocktail and made our way back to the table everyone else was sat at.

"So Nick how did you manage to pull Jenna?" I ask making Jenna giggle
"I don't know really just got in contact with her and well here we are now" he blushed and put his head down not wanting anyone to see, to late.

"Aww look at my little nick blushing" Jack teased making the whole table "aww" at him only making him go even redder.

"Shots anyone?" Jesse smirked bringing a big tray of shots back to the table I grabbed two drinking them both with a straight face.

"kellin your girlfriend is a psychopath" Justin shouts watching me drink the shot's of vodka like it was water.

Kellin just smirked and laughed at Justin's shocked face "I'm young that shits like water to me" I shrug making kellin almost choked on his drink.

"stop saying you're young people are going to think I'm with a child!" Kellin shouts whispering the last part making the table burst into laughs.

As the night went on Jesse keep on bringing more and more drinks over. I have had more that a few cocktails and shots and so had the rest of us.

Jesse was almost completely out of it and the rest of us on our way.

We where all sat laughing at a joke Justin had made when 'misery business' by Paramore started blasting throw the club.

I give Jenna a look and she grins and gets up in response grabbing my hand and start making our way to the dance floor where loads of people where dancing around.

Me and Jenna make our way into the crowd and start dancing with each other. we where very much drunk at this point so god knows how bad our dancing was but I couldn't care less.

Jumping and screaming alone to the lyrics laughing at Jenna doing here best 'sexy dance moves'.

"Hey pretty lady" some random guy came up to Jenna she was clearly uncomfortable.

"why don't we have a little dance you can show me all your moves" he smirks making me cringe and walk towards Jenna.

"This man bothering you babe" I ask her grabbing her hand she looked at me confused to which I give her a wink that only she could see to which she shakes her head.

"so are you going to leave my girlfriend alone then" I raise my voice acting anger at him.

"Wait your together like your both gay?" He looked so confused at us both "yeah why do you have a problem with that?" Jenna looked him up and down going alone with my plan "no, I just don't believe that two girls as pretty as you two could be gay" he paused "in fact it's to strange to be ture" he said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Fine, we'll prove it" Jenna smiles over at me I almost laugh at how funny this was going to be.

I turn to face Jenna and we both go in and kiss each other, making the boy that tried to hit on her gasp and walk away.

We both pulled away in fits of Giggles "thanks you're a good kisser" Jenna said in between her fit of laughter "thanks and no problem " i replied turning away from her to see Nick and kellin looking at us with there mouth open and confused faces.

"What's wrong never seen a friend help a friend out of a awkward situation at a club before" Jenna says trying to stop laughing.

"not like that" kellin let's out a long breath still in shock "you could of just said you had boyfriends" Nick adds looking back and forth between me and Jenna "now where is the fun in that Nick now come dance boys" I giggle grabbing kellin's hand pulling him in close ready to dance.

We dance around for a while Kellin keeping a good hold of me as we sang and danced to whatever was playing.

After a good hour of dancing around we went back to the table where Justin and Jack where sat laughing about something.

Where's Gabe i thought to myself looking around to find him sat up at the bar with a girl, I smile and turn back to the table and sat down.

"Just the girls we need" Justin throws his arm over my shoulder "it's time for the line of 21st birthday shots" Justin pulls me and himself out of our sets and to the bar Nick, Jenna,Jack and kellin following.

"Oh no your going to kill her" kellin shouts running after us
"yeah your literally going to kill her" Jack  says also running after us.
What was that bad that was going to kill me?

There I was sat with 21 shots of mixed alcohol anything from vodka to rum sat in front of me I now understood why it's called 'the 21st birthday shots' I have to drink my age in shots.

"Right you have a minute and 12 seconds to drink all 21" Justin says pulling out his phone to start a timer.

"Why that time?" I question "we all did this on our 21st and we all timed it and the best time it's been done in so far is a minute and 12 seconds" Nick said  not sounding impressed about there little tradition.

"That's amazing! who've I got to bet then?" I ask folding my arms and sitting up straight "kellin" Jesse smirks knowing full well this would only make me want to win more.

"Alright then get the timer ready" I turn around in my set and got ready
"Three, two, one, GO!" Justin screams starting the timer.

I quickly grab my fist shot and have it down in seconds moving quickly onto my next the boys started to cheer and Jenna was shouting 'come on you can do this!' over and over again.

I got to the last 6 and stood up from my chair pushing it back and taking the last few shots back as quick as possible. until the last shot glass hit the table and Justin stoped the timer.

I stood there in silence my head spinning "how did I do?" I just about managed to get out holding on tight to the bar behind me.

"I'm sorry"Justin say making my smile drop "but kellin you have been bet by a record breaking 59 seconds" Justin shouts making me jump in the air proud of myself.

"HA I win" I point at kellin laughing at him "you little shit I held that title proudly" kellin giggles making me stumble towards him and whisper to him "well you lose, these a new champion in town now whoa!" I couldn't stop giggling.

That's the last thing I can remember.

Y/n is not going to randomly come out gay at some point in this story btw, it was a one time thing to help out a friend 😅.

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