Chapter 38

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I rolled over in bed hearing the deeded alarm clock. I shut it off and turn to wake kellin up, As I'm turning to face kellin a small body comes flying onto me and hugging me soon followed by a much bigger body wrapping there arms around both me and the small body.

"Well good morning to you too" I laugh looking up at kellin and Liam grinning wildly. Liam rolled off of me and jumped on kellin who was hovering over me now lead on me from the extra weight unexpectedly added by Liam making me laugh even more at the amazing wake up call I just got.

"Come on it's time to get you ready for school" kellin said Rowling off of me grabbing Liam off his back as he rolled making Liam laugh.

Kellin and Liam got out of bed and went to get his bag to find his school clothes. It wasn't long before I follow going to the kitchen to make me, kellin and Liam some breakfast I would make Nick some but I don't think he would want to be woken up at this time coming off a night shift.

I decided to go for a simple bacon, egg and pancakes. firstly because I was the best at making it and secondly it was the only thing we really had as a breakfast option.

"Ohh what you cooking darling" kellin said walking into the kitchen "pancakes, egg and bacon" I smile "and what's the 'darling' are we 50 now?" I question his new pet name "what you don't like it" he moves closer wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck "darling" he whispered in between kissing my neck making me melt at his touch
"Kellin" I lightly moan making him smirk "what is it princess" he whispers using another new pet name making me melt even more.

I snap out of it and push him off "I'm trying to make breakfast now go get Liam up at the table it's almost done" I bluntly say not looking at him and focusing on putting the food onto plates "yes mother" he sighs walking out of the kitchen.

I brought out all three plates of food and we all sat at the table and ate, kellin finished his in recored time and Liam didn't leave one crum.

"Right now let me get dressed and we will be on the way to school" kellin jumps up to go get changed to go on the school run.

"is y/n coming too" Liam quietly asked. I wasn't planning on going I thought he would just want kellin to take him but I'm more than happy too.

"yeah I will go get changed now, here I'll put something on the tv for you when we go get changed" I smile running over the the couch turning on the tv and putting on the kids Chanel and running upstairs with kellin to get changed.

Me and kellin separated into our separate room and got changed him getting into his normal black skinny's and a long sleeve top for a change, I was getting colder and colder as it was winter now. I put on some ripped black jeans and one of kellin's jumpers putting my glasses and converse on to go with it.

We took my car because it was the one Liam picked to rid in, thankfully I had gotten it cleaned not to long ago so it was looking rather nice inside and out. We all got in me driving, kellin in passenger and Liam in the backseat. I started up the car and the last CD that I had on in the car started playing.

It was a CD that I had made with all my favourite songs on but the one playing was 'gives you hell' by the all-American rejects.

"This song is good" Liam shouts from the back doing a little dance in the back of the car which kellin took a picture of making Liam blush and stop dancing.

The next song to come on was 'dance dance' by fall out boy which Liam instantly started dancing to making me laugh looking back ever now and then into the mirror which showed me him perfectly.

"I like your music taste" Liam said as we pulled up to his school "well I'm glad your welcome to come sing and dance with me anytime" I laugh as we all get out and walk to the school gate to drop Liam off.

"So will you both be picking me up" he smiled jumping up and down.
I give kellin a sad look to let him know he can tell him the news "no buddy mommy is going to pick you after school" kellin says leaning down to Liam's level.

"but I want to go with you guys" you could tell he was holding back tears even when he tried to smile his face would drop straight away.

"You can come over again sometime soon if your mom says yes we would be more than happy to have you over another time" I smiled trying to make him feel better "Ok! mommy best say yes" he smiles the tears in his eyes drying up as he wraps his arms around kellin's neck "I love you" Liam says to kellin "I love you too now get to school your going to be late" kellin says quickly now it was him with tears  in his eyes making me well-up god why was this so emotional.

Liam ran through the school gates and me and kellin turned to get back in the car "wait y/n" a distance voice screamed making me turn to see who it was before I could even fully turn and see who it was I was being jumped on by Liam.

I grabbed hold of him holding him to my chest hugging him "I love you" he whispers in the sweetest voice imaginable holding me even tighter "I love you too" I smiled letting go off him and placing him back on the ground "bye" he waved and ran back in though the gates to play with his friends on the school yard.

I stood still taking in everything that just happened the cutest little boy ever just give me the biggest hug and told me he loved me.
it's things like this that make me so excited to have my own kids.

"You ok?" Kellin asked making me wipe my eyes of the tears that had fallen with out me knowing "yeah I'm fine let's go" I smile skipping off to the car kellin following.

Kellin keep on looking at me as I drove us home to get ready to go to are shitty little jobs.

I tried to ignore him looking over at me all the time but it was bugging me.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I question looking over to him and then back at the road "I could get used to this" he smiles leaning back into his seat.

I give him a confused look asking him to explain what he meant "us having a little family even if it was just for one night it was really nice" he said. he wasn't wrong it was really nice and I loved ever minute of it but I couldn't be that way Liam wasn't ours and kellin's first born child wasn't going to be mine so there wasn't going to be a little family to call our own for a while.

"Yeah you're going to make an amazing dad well you already are by the looks of it to Liam" I said pulling into the drive way of our house "and your going to make an awesome mother one day when we start a family of our own" kellin said as if it wasn't a big deal.

He wanted a family with me.
it wasn't that I didn't want to have kids with him in the future I just didn't think he would want to have any more kids after having his daughter.
Some people have one child and that's it but he wanted to have more with me in the future.

This man is perfect there is no other word for him and when where ready I can't wait to have a family with him.

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