Chapter 5

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I had texted Kellin to pick me up from my mother's and that I needed room in the back of the car when he came.

I had spent the last 30 minutes packing everything up which wasn't a lot. I only had a couple small boxes of clothes, a box of all my old band posters I once had on the wall and my CD and vinyl collection.

It was sad really that I could pack my whole life up into 5 small boxes.

I started getting myself ready for mine and Kellins date.
It felt strange saying we're going on a date. I know it's nothing more than in a friend way and he's just doing it to cheer me up but I knew I was going to enjoy it even after all the events that happened today.

I finished my hair and makeup and was about to get my clothes on
when the door bell went and of course my mom answered.

"Who are you?" I could hear my mom say.

I walked out of my room and toward the stairs.

"I'm kellin do you not remember me?" He questioned.

"Kellin she can't even remember her own name half the time she's not going to remember nick's best mate that was here almost every day growing up" I said avoiding eye contact with her going straight to kellin and grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs slamming my bedroom door behind us.

"What the hell is going on? whats with all the boxes?" he asked looking around the room to see it mostly empty.

"Oh yeah she's throwing me out
that's why I needed space in the back of your car. Anyway it doesn't matter about that I need to go finish getting ready for dinner! what's the dress code?" I smile walking to the boxes with my clothes In.

"um wear a dress I want you to show off your new tattoo" he smiles taking a seat on my bed.

"really you no I hate dresses" I mutter leaning up against the wall looking down at the floor trying to remember if I even own a dress.

I hear the bed crack and some light footsteps coming my way I keep my head down and continue to think.

I couldn't see Kellin but I knew he was right by my face. His hand lifted my chin to look at him "please I think it will look really nice" he whispers.

"ok- ok fine I think I have something" i blush lightly "now move" I laugh looking back down at the floor pushing him away playfully trying to hide my blush.

I ran into the bathroom grabbing my unworn dress and some vans to go with it because I don't have or want heals.

As I rush to get dressed all I can think about was kellin and what just happened.
kellin got really close to me and It surprised me how I didn't feel uncomfortable normally if anyone tried to do that I would of freak out but it didn't mean anything it was literally nothing just Kellin feeling sorry for me again.
Plus nothing can happen anyway he's my brothers best friend and Nick is always saying how kellin has more than likely got a girlfriend because he's always seeking out of the house late at night.

After 5 minutes I was ready checking in the bathroom mirror that I looked decent with my long dark purple hair curled, my new dress that was a black t-shirts material at the top that then opened up at the waist into a checkered skirt with a black denim jacket and black vans.

I also added my favourite necklace.
I didn't look to bad but I was still terrified to leave the house in something other than black skinny jeans and a hoodie but it's now or never.

(Outfit at the top)

I walk back into my bedroom to find kellin wasn't there and the boxes had gone too. where did he go?

I hear someone shout my name and wrap their arms around my waist from behind pulling me backwards I let out a scream before I hear an all to familiar laugh.

"Kellin you scared me" I shout turning myself around in his arms to face him hitting his chest as he laughed.

only now I notice how nice he looked with his hair styled, back skinny jeans, white T-shirt and a black blazer, he looked really smart and quite attractive.

Kellins pov:

After scaring the life out of y/n I couldn't help but notice how stunning she looked in her dress.
I will never know why she hates Wearing dresses so much they really suit her and she looks amazing wearing them.

"Um- anyway let's get going I'm guessing you put the boxes in the car?" She says moving out of my grasp and grabbing her phone and car keys off the empty bedside table.

"yeah I put everything in the car" I smile opening the bedroom door for her.

"Yeah sorry I can't have them in mine there's just so much shit everywhere and I don't think I could fit the boxes in my car. I'll take my car back to your house for now and I'll dump it there and we'll take your car out" she said rather fast like she was rushing.

I just nod my head yes and let her lead the way down stairs. We got half way down the stairs when her mother came out shouting at us saying things like "what where you two doing up there" or "you best not have been up to anything" but y/n just brushed it off and didn't say anything back to her.

It was horrible the way y/ns own mom spoke to her but it's always been the same since her and Nick were little.
everyone that's ever got to spend time with this woman knew that all she cares about is her drugs and herself she's never had time for her own kids because she's to drugged up or drunk.
it's sad to think a parent could do that to their kids I could never imagine treating my own children like that if I ever have any.

Y/n drove her car back to mine and nicks place and I followed.
after dropping the car off she jumped in my car and I started driving to the restaurant.
Nick is going to kill me if he ever finds out I've done this but I'm helping out a friend to make her feel better after a shit day. that's all this is and all it's ever going to be.

Y/n and nicks mother is a complete bitch 🖤

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