Chapter 7

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Kellin had left me In the bathroom with a pair of his joggers and an old Metallica T-shirt.
how the hell did he expect me to fit into these he's so slim there's no fucking way!

Starring down at the clothes he had left for me I started to take my clothes off trying not to look up into the mirror but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't help but to look up and cry at the mess I seen In the reflection.

the pizza I had eat at the restaurant had made me booted and even more uncomfortable in my own skin.

I quickly wash off all the makeup that was left on my face, tied my hair up and got into the clothes kellin had given me which surprisingly fit me nicely. I took one last look in the mirror and tried to put on a smile before opening the door to find kellin now stood in his boxers and a oversized T-shirt.

"Hey- I haven't been crying by the way I think I'm coming down with a cold and that's why I was sniffing so much" I said quietly sniffing at the end to try and make it more believable.

"it's ok to be upset you know a lot of shit happen today and I'm so proud of you for being so strong all day but please don't keep it all in you can speak to me ok about anything remember that" that's all he needed to say for me to start sobbing pulling my hands up over my face.

"Hey, come here come on let's go sit down" kellin pulled my hands away from my face and wrapped his arms tight around me before pulling away and taking my hand "is it ok if we go in my room I don't want to go downstairs and wake up Nick" kellin asked like the gentleman he is.
Ever since he was young he never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable and I've always loved that about him "yeah it's fine" I try my best to flash him a smile as we walk into his room.

I walk straight to his bed wrapping myself up in the blanket kellin just laughed and sat down next to me.

Everything was silent for a few minutes before kellin Spock up
"do you want to talk about it?" He asked moving his head to the side to look Down at me as we sat up against the head board.

I took a deep breath "I just really don't know what's next for me
everything and everyone I seem to care about just seems to push me away or make me upset, I'm not speaking to my mother and I'm homeless" I quickly say trying to get it all out before the tears fell.

"Well there is a small room here that I'm sure Nick will not mind you having and things will stop feeling so shit you just need to find the right people to be around and the people you don't need will leave. even if you think you need your mother you don't all she has ever done for you is drag you down and you can't call that love as much as you want a relationship with her she's not willing to sort herself out and work on your relationship to so you just got to let her go" Kellin softly spoke putting his arm around my shoulder lightly rubbing my arm to comfort me.

Everything he said was true.
even if I didn't want to believe it
I couldn't keep looking out for my mom when she doesn't give a shit about me "your right, I guess I've never really thought of it like that" I said leaning into kellin's side.

"Can I tell you something else, but you have to promise not to laugh at me ok?" I said looking up at kellin to make sure I could trust him with this one.

"yeah of course, and I promise I'm not going to laugh" kellin pulls me closer and puts out his pinky which I intertwine mine with sealing the deal.

"Today was my first ever date with literally anyone" I mumble closing my eyes waiting for the laugh.

"You can't be serious" he questioned sounding genuinely shocked
"is it really that hard to believe" I laugh.

"It is! I mean you're pretty, got an amazing personality, really fun to talk to literally the perfect person to take on a date!" He said his reaction was so funny to me I couldn't stop smiling he looked so shocked.

"so you've like never had a boyfriend or anything like you know" I just burst out laughing "no nothing I'm a 20 year old that's never been on a date until today thanks you very much, had a boyfriend, had a first kiss or had sex this has to be a world record! " all I could do was laugh "how come you made me promise not to laugh but you can" kellin said with a massive smile on his face.

Kellins pov:

I couldn't help by smile at her, it was nice to see her laughing even if it was because she was laughing at her own jokes about her being a 20 year old virgin at lest she was laughing and had a genuine smile on her face.

"No but seriously it kinda scares me that I might never get to experience the whole relationship thing and never get married or have kids" her mood quickly changes from happy and laughing to a more serious one.

"You're going to get that and trust me when you meet the right person you will know that you want all that with them it will happen to you I promise" it was sad to see that she thought she couldn't have all those things, that she couldn't be loved.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I felt the bed move and looked to my side to find y/n looking up at me "thanks for today kellin even though its had some shit parts i still enjoyed myself. also thanks for giving me someone to speak to it felt nice to get all that off my chest and if you even need anything I just want you to know I'm here for you too" she smiles up at me and I wrapped my arms tighter around her.

"Your very much welcome and thank
I had an amazing day with you.
now get some sleep it's been a stressful day and you did it all while being hungover" i giggle remembering last night and the unhealthy amount of alcohol we drank "oh god don't remember me" she sighs grabbing her head before resting her arms back on my chest.

"Night y/n"
"Night kellin"

I know it's quite slow and probably boring but it will get better hopefully.
I'll try and get a chapter or two out ever day but if I stick to that I'm not sure. Enjoy x

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