Chapter 49

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Kellin's PoV:
"Kellin we could put the bed here then the wardrobe could go by here and then-"

"Y/n I know you have a lot of ideas but we need to talk first" I said, I've needed to talk to her for a while about this "the thing is with buying this house, buying all new things for the house and the baby on the way I'm going to have to go away for a bit" I said looking down at my shoes.
I felt bad leaving just as we got our first house together.

"Where are you going" she asked walking over to me "you're leaving?" She looked worried all the colour in her cheeks that was there before was gone, she just looked scared.

"No I'm not leaving, I'm just going away for a bit" I placed my hands on her shoulder "I'm going away with the band for 2 months I'm going to try and come home as much as I can but I can't make any promises" there was no way I could say this in a nice way leaving wasn't going to be fun for me either the last time we were apart was when I told her about the baby.

I must of sounded like such a shit boyfriend saying I'm going to be leaving and not coming back for 2 months but I had to do it if I wanted to pay for everything we needed.

"Where are you going to be going exactly?" Her voice was almost in a whisper "I'll be 3 hours out of town at the most we've got some shows around the area but we are mainly going to be away" I said guilt filling my voice .

"What about when the baby comes are you going to be home for the birth?" She questioned raising her voice in a panic.

"yeah I'll be back and if Katelynne goes into labour before her due date then I'll come straight home" I had already made an agreement with the boys that if Katelynne goes into labour before we get back I could leave and go to the hospital know matter what and the remaining shows would be cancelled so I can be with my baby.

"What about after the baby is here?" She asked "I'm going to be doing no shows for a few months after the baby is born, but we are going to release the album in that time and if that dose well sws will go on tour later in the year but that's only if it dose well" I said having everything already planned after weeks of trying to sort it.

"Ok" she smiled.

"You're not mad?" I asked shocked "no! you have to do what you have to do! It's your job and dream I'm not going to hold you back from that" she looked up at me and smiles taking both of my hands into her own swing back and forth on the heel of her foot kissing me on the cheek as she did.

"Now let's get back to the house and pack some stuff up" she said letting go of my hands and walking down the stairs.

We went back to the house and packed most of our things all that was left now was the furniture.

I was stood in the house that I moved into at the age of 18 after saving up for years with nick to buy our first home, stood in the room I called mine for 5 years was now left empty.

"I can't believe your moving out" Nick grabbed my shoulders from behind moving to stands next to me "my little boy is all grown up" nick laughed nudging my side "I'm going to miss having you to talk to all the time" nick was right I'm going to miss living with my best mate but we all have to grow up eventually.

"I'm going to miss you too Nick.
but you do have to put up with me for 2 months straight soon" I laugh nudging him in the side he sighed and laughed a little.

"Now come on help me get these in the car" I say handing Nick a box and smiling sarcastically at him.
He sticks his tongue out at me and walks off to put the box in the car.

"I've got the last one!" Y/n shouts running out the front door with the last of the boxes with the biggest smile on her face putting the box in the back of the car and slamming it shut.

"Come here" Nick said pulling y/n into a tight hug "and you" Nick smirks grabbing my arm and pulling me into the hug "Nick I love you very much but we're not moving country we're going to be 25-30 minutes down the road" y/n said laughing pulling away from the hug.

"Still doesn't mean I'm not going to miss you" Nick smiles "now let's get you two out of here" Nick shouts slapping my ass "Nick not informed of your sister" I say play fully pushing him and running off to jump in the car "now now children calm down" y/n laughs from the drivers side.

"Bye" I wave childishly out the window at Nick as y/n drives off down the street "you are so childish" she laugh's shaking her head "you love me for it really" I smile turning the CD player on playing creep by Radiohead full blast I sang alone so did y/n.

When I say sing I mean shout but the music drowned us out, I think?
We didn't care though we were just happy, well I knew I was and I could tell y/n was she didn't stop smiling and it wasn't the usual fake smile I could tell she was actually happy and I'm glad. Let's hope that the future holds a lot more real smile other than fake ones.

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