Chapter 3

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After getting set up and deciding to place the tattoo on my thigh I was all good to go.

kellin was all set up next to me on the other table getting a tattoo on his arm.

A woman walked in and introduced herself tome "hey I'm Jess I'm the one who's going to be doing your tattoo, are you ready?" she explained in a sweet voice "ready as I'll ever be" I said completely shitting myself.

Oh shit here we go kellin had already had his tattoo started now it was my turn to get this over with "you ok?" Kellin asked reaching for my hand I held it tight as the tattoo gun hit my skin "you know what yeah.. this isn't too bad I guess" I said relaxing still holding Kellins hand for some reason it just made me fell more comfortable holding his hand.

It had been around 2 hours kellin had just finished having his tattoo done and mine was having it's last details added.

"you've done so well for your first tattoo I was not this Calm the first time " kellin said letting out a laugh.

All the sudden kellin looks down at my exposed thigh my jeans where half way down my one leg and my underwear was exposed.

Kellins eyes quickly moved.
it's not that he made me uncomfortable i just didn't want him to see my scars but i think it's a bit late for that.

"Your all done" Jess said proud of her work.

Kellin refused many of times to me paying for my tattoo he said it was an 'early birthday present' which I thought was sweet but I still felt bad for him paying.

in the car on the way back to the house was very silent until kellin asked the question I wasn't looking forward to.

"look I know it's not my business but are you ok, I couldn't help but notice your legs before" he was clearly nervous and so was I.

what am I going to say to that.

Kellins POV:

I asked the question that's been running around my head for the past half an hour. I was really concerned she's never shown that she was struggling.

"things just get hard sometimes" she answers sounding uncomfortable which was the last thing I wanted her to feel.

"It's ok you can talk to me I'm here for you" I said looking over at her for a split second to see her worried eyes looking back at me, "ok, just please don't tell anyone especially not nick I can't have him knowing" she says relaxing into the seat as I shook my head letting her no I wasn't going to tell anyone.

It's one thing for her to tell me not like there was much choice.

"It started when I was 13, I've always had mental health problems since a very young age telling my parents at the age of 7 I didn't want to be alive anymore and hanging out of my bedroom window a lot as a kid telling everyone I was going to jump. I guess that's what happens when you grow up with split parents and a mother that wants to kill herself ever other week. As I got older especially when I turned 13 things just got worse I hated myself, didn't eat, didn't sleep, would have to check my weight at lest 3 times a day, didn't speck to my family most the time and I guess I just can't stop. I've tried I have I've tried so hard to stop it but I can't" she lets out a cry at the end stating to breathe heavily.

I quickly pull over "shh it's ok let it all out" I pull y/n into a hug as she rests her arms around my neck uncontrollably crying "how long have you keep all that in for?" I ask felling terrible all these years of her felling like this and me and everyone else didn't even notice or try and help.

"this is the first time I've told anyone I'm so sorry kellin" she sobbed pulling away from the hug and sitting back in her seat talking her glasses off snd wiping her now red eyes.

"you have nothing to be sorry about this isn't your fault at all I promise you that so please never think that" i suddenly feel angry that she would even think that this isn't her fault in any way at all.

She stops crying and I start driving home again.

"Come on let's get home the boys are out anyway getting hangover food" i said remembering the message I had got earlier at the tattoo shop.

The whole way home I lightly placed my hand on y/n leg being carful of the tattoo in an attempt to calm her down which seems to work as she slowly stopped crying and just looked exhausted looking out the window.
By the time we got to the house y/n was half asleep. It had already been an emotional day and it's only 2 in the afternoon so I'm not surprised.

"come on what do you say to pjs and a move on the couch?" I ask looking over with a small smile placed on my face.

"You don't have to be so nice just because you feel sorry for me you know?" She snapped looking down at her shoes "I'm not doing this just because I feel sorry for you,
you maybe my best friends sister but I still grew up with you and care about you. you're my friend to and I'm aloud to be concerned for my friends so let's go" I got straight out the car not wanting to hear the excuses.

Everything I said was true though I do really care for y/n and I want to make sure things are ok.

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