Chapter 44

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Y/n's PoV:

I woke up early to the sound of rowan shouting from the other room. I rolled out of my warm bed that kellin wasn't in surprisingly and made my way to there room. Rowan was stood up in his cot having a not so understandable conversation with Liam who was sat on the bed.

"You two ready from some breakfast" I ask picking up Rowan and placing him on my hip wrapping my arms around him "yay" Liam shouts and runs out the room and down the stairs I followed with rowan laughing in my arms over his brothers shouting and running around making me smile at him.

"Good morning?" Nick said confused to Liam when he wrapped his arms around his leg. Then looking even more confused when he seen my with Rowan in my arms. I placed Rowan down on the rug in the living room next to the box of toys.

"What's going on?" Nick asked still looking confused "where looking after Katelynne's kids for a bit she's not doing so good" I say the last part in a whisper not wanting the boys to hear me talking about there mother.
Nick give a surprised look and smiled walking away from me and sitting on the floor with Rowan and Liam joining in with what ever they where playing.

I walked into the kitchen to find kellin stood making up some bowls of cereal. "Morning" I whisper putting on the kettle to have a coffee "no need for that" kellin says turning off the kettle and sliding a cup of hot coffee across the kitchen counter "thanks" i smiled giving kellin a quick peek on the lips and pulling away making him sigh. "What's wrong?" I ask taking a sip of coffee "it's just feels like forever since we've you know. Done anything" kellin looks down to the ground going red.

I giggled under my breath and moved closer to him "I know it's just been so busy. Trust me I've wanted to I really Have" now I was the one going red making kellin smirk "why don't we then tonight?" He asked the smirk on his lips growing even more.

I wanted to I really, really did but we can't with the kids and Nick here, it feels wrong?. But I've missed the feeling of him sending me over the edge.

"Kels. We can't not with the boys and Nick here" I said dropping my smile Kellin following "fine but I will show you the best night of your life very very soon" kellin's smirk grew back again kissing my on the lips hard making me want him more. which is what he wanted he wanted me to suffer and give in to him but I would not.

I pushed kellin away with a wide smile on my face grabbing the boy's cereal and taking it out to the coffee table from them to eat.

I give Rowan a little bit of help but he managed. I asked Nick if he could watch them when I went and got changed. I ran upstairs and got some clothes from my room and went into the bathroom to do my makeup and hair. The shower was on but I didn't pay much attention because the curtain was closed. it was only kellin anyway.

I quickly did my makeup and throw my hair up out of the way. Slipping out of my pjs and picking up my

"Getting in?" Kellin questioned making me jump forgetting he was even in her "no I'm getting changed so don't get your hopes up" I bluntly told him putting my shirt on and grabbing my jeans
"Alright. Where going swimming by the way if you want to come?" Kellin asked. "Who's we?" I ask double checking my makeup in the mirror.
"Me, Liam, Rowan, Nick, his girlfriend, Justin, gabe, Jack, Jesse and you if you want to come?" He says Turning the shower off and getting out wrapping his lower half in a towel.

"I'll come" I stutter out trying not to look at kellin's almost naked body making him laugh as he walked out. What an ass hole.

I quickly packed a bag with all swimming costumes and got the boys ready to head out. Nick left early to pick up his girlfriend and we where meeting the others there so me and kellin got the kids in the car and where on our way.

We all got there at around the same time all getting changing rooms and getting ready to go in. Liam had his arm bands on and Rowan was in the cutest little rubber ring. I was the last in the pool as I had to get me, Liam and rowan ready. Liam seen Justin in the pool and they both give each other a look before Liam ran and jumped off the side of the pool into Justin's arms making a massive splash.

I sat at the edge off the pool handing Rowan to kellin. Rowan was loving floating around in his little ring when kellin was spinning him around and playing peek a boo.

I swung my feet around in the water just smiling at everyone having fun. Justin was now throwing Liam in to the water, Nick was swimming around with Jenna and pushing Rowan around.

"Come in please?" Kellin dragged out the 'please' and grabbing my lower thighs "no I don't like swimming that much" that was I lie I loved swimming "plus you guys are having fun anyway" I fake smile trying to convince kellin to go have fun and don't worry about me.

There was a sad and concerned look on kellin's face making me turn my head to look him in the eyes. His eyes meet mine "this isn't because your scars or body is it because your stunning every part of you and I mean that" kellin said moving one of his hands from my thigh and to my hand that was resting in my lap.

I give in and take the long sleeved oversized top I was wearing off revealing my black dress like swimsuit. Kellin grind which made me hit him with water knowing exactly what he was trying to get at.

I thew a hand full of water at kellin and most of it missed him and hit Jack. Jack started trowing water back at me and kellin . Soon Jesse joined in then Gabe, Justin and Liam all started throwing water at each other. Everyone else at the pool probably thought we where all big kids for being so childish trowing water around.

I noticed that Nick was still with Rowan and Jenna. They looked so happy together and they both seemed really good with Rowan. There going to make a really cute family some day.

"What you thinking about" kellin whispered in my ear "there so cute together all three of them" I smiled leaning back into kellin a little bit
"Well let's hope they stay together for nicks sake he really deserves it" kellin wrapped his arms around me. He really did deserve it.

Kellin started leaning around my shoulder to kiss me when a splash of cold water hit are backs. We both turned to see it was Liam. Me and kellin smirked at each other and started swimming after Liam. Kellin got to him first and pick him up spinning him around.

"Y/n help" Liam laughed. I splashed kellin with water and he let go of Liam. I grabbed liams and we started swimming to the others as kellin chased after us.

This was fun. Being a parent for a day was fun. Everything with the boys around seems fun it's a chance just to act like kids again and have fun.

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