Chapter 29

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"Kellin where are we going and how do I need to dress?" I ask looking throw my clothes as kellin lead on my bed.

"well where going to go and meet katelynne" he takes a breath "my ex, the one thats pregnant" he says making my heart beat faster

"WHAT, I can't do that want if she doesn't like me and then there will be so many problems" I blurt out starting to panic.

"Hey breathe you have nothing to worry about ok? where just going to go get some food with her" Kellin explains coming up behind me and hugging me waist. His words only making me more worried.

I couldn't eat in front of her, what if she thinks I'm fat, what if where there and kellin realises that she's so much better than me, what if she orders a salad and I order fries and she looks down on me for eating that sort of food.

"Ok but kels can I skip having dinner and just have a drink I can't eat in that situation just the thought of it is making me want the throw up" I say feeling kellin's lips kiss my neck lightly relaxing me.

"That's ok but can you please just try you don't have to eat it but it will just be there on the table if you want it yeah" I agree with Kellin's idea and get back to finding some clothes to wear.

I picked out black skinny jeans with a plan black t-shirt and kellin's red shirt (the one in the picture) finished off with my vans.

I went back down stairs and started to help Nick set up.

"Right the table looks nice the candle are all set up the house is clean and I look decent" Nick said to himself rushing around making sure for the 4th time that everything was ready.

"Y/n have you seen my red shirt" kellin shouts running down the stairs "no" I smirk turning away from him
"You need to stop taking my clothes you do have your own you know?" Kellin shook his head and ran back up the stairs to find something else to wear.

Kellin came back down stairs in old black skinny ripped jeans and a Rolling Stones shirt.

"Let's go" kellin walks to the door me following behind saying our goodbyes and good luck's to Nick before getting in the car.

"I hope it all goes well for him tonight" I say to kellin "he'll be fine plus you made everything look really nice in there so she should be wowed" he smiles starting up the car.

"Your shaking" he muttered making me look over at him "what?" I asked confused "your leg it's shaking you need to stop worrying" kellin places his hand on my leg to try and stop it from shaking.

"Kels how do you expect me not to be freaking out I'm going to meet the woman that's carrying your fucking child" I raise my voice "sorry I just don't want to fuck this up" I calmly say looking out the window of the car getting distracted by the trees we passed.

"I get it" he sighed "but I know something that will help" kellin said making me turn to him. He was holding up fall out boys newest album Folie à deux.

"How did you get this I've been looking everywhere for this since it came out" I grab it exited to play it.

"I was out the other day and it was the last on the shelf so I got it" kellin smirked proud of himself "thank you" I say bouncing in my seat from excitement unwrapping the CD and putting it into the car.

The rest of the drive was amazing listening to a few of fall out boys amazing new songs. We where only 4 songs in when we got to the restaurant so I had something to look forward to when we got back into the car.

Stepping into the restaurant everything hit again that I was meeting not only kellin's ex but the mother of his child.

Kellin nudged my shoulders making me snap out of my thoughts and walk to our table. We were first to get there so now it was the waiting game of when she will come only making my anxiety about the situation worse.

I was starting down at my hands messing with my fingers trying to take my mind off the fact that Any minute now I would be meeting katelynne.

Kellin got out of his seat making me look up to see that he was greeting katelynne. I got up once he was done and we introduced ourselves
"hey I'm katelynne"
"Lovely to meet you I'm y/n"

We all take our seats and a waiter comes straight over taking our orders.
I just asked for a small bowl of chips and a glass of water still feeling sick and worried.

"So how have you been?" Kellin asked starting a conversation "I've been alright yeah, I had a scan today to tell me the gender" she smiles happily "I thought you find out the gender at 12 weeks?" I asked gently confused unless I was wrong, I'm going to look so stupid if I'm wrong.

"Yeah I'm almost 6 months along but when they offered to tell me the gender when I was 12 weeks I said I wanted to wait till the birth to find out but I got inpatient and wanted to know" she laughed "do you want to know the gender?" She asked looking over at kellin.

"Yeah I want to know" Kellin says straight away not thinking twice.

"Ok it's a baby girl" she smiles widely.

"Yes I've always wanted a little girl!" he shouted his cheeks going red from excitement. I stay quiet letting them have this moment before whispering my congratulations.

I didn't want to seeing them both being happy and excited because it made me feel like the third wheel.
Which I guess I was and I always was going to be just the third wheel.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I whisper getting out of my seat and walking off fast to the bathroom. I couldn't breathe I didn't know what was going on. I should be happy for kellin he just got the news he was having a little girl but I couldn't be happy for him because I was to busiest running away to the bathroom crying like a bitch.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

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