Chapter 35

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I felt sick and confused. I was in a dark room that wasn't the club which was the last place I can remember being.
My stomach was hurting and my head was spinning I couldn't think about where I was right now I needed to fine a toilet or bin now.

I threw myself out of the misery bed stumbling to the door.
the room spinning a lot more now that I was stood up.

I opened the door and a bright light hit my eyes making me sigh and hold my head from the sharp pain it has made to my head. I now knew where I was I was home. when did I leave the club?.

I was definitely going to be sick I could feel it. I speed up falling throw the bathroom door and throwing myself to the bathroom floor kneeling down next to the toilet throwing up what felt like everything in my body.

I sat back up against the wall and took some deep breath's trying to catch my breath. Throwing up was hard work and horrible.

I felt so tired and drained I closed my eyes finding the wall next to the toilet very comfy all the sudden.

Kellin's PoV:

I could hear faint footsteps but took no notice of them just letting my eyes close again ready to go back to sleep.

Then the sound that no one likes to hear sick hitting the dish of the toilet. I roll over to see that y/n was no longer asleep next to me.
That answers the question to who's throwing up.

I jump out of bed and walk to the bathroom opening the door to find a sleeping y/n hugging the toilet as she slept.

I know it's wrong and I should help her but I had to get a quick photo.
I grabbed my phone out of my pyjama bottoms and get the picture fast putting my phone back into my pocket after getting the amazing photo.

"babe, come on it's time to go back to bed" i lightly shook her trying to wake her up "come on you got me to hug you don't need to hug the toilet" I laugh at myself getting a smile out of y/n "Kels hey" she giggles grabbing my face and patting it with her hand.
she was definitely still drunk.

"Come on back to bed" I said grabbing her hands and holding her up off the floor. we started walking towards the door and she spun and ran back into the bathroom to her new best friend the toilet.

There was that horrible sound again.  It was the worst sound know one could convince me otherwise.

I run back over to her grabbing her hair and holding it up so it wasn't in her face getting covered in sick.

I rubbed my hand over her back
I think this helps getting sick up?
I always thought it did when I was a kid but maybe it doesn't help and it's just the reasoners that someone else is there.

Her throwing up went on for a good 5 minutes before she sat back into me breathed heavily.

"everything hurts" she sounded horrible I bet her throat kills "I know it's going to I think you just brought everything up, literally everything" I laughed getting a small one from her.

She closed her eyes again lent up against me on the bathroom floor "no get up" I whisper loudly in her ear  so she would wake up which didn't work she was In a deep sleep.

I huff and stand up picking her up.
I cradled her taking her back into my room from the bathroom. It reminded me of the first night we kissed. I hated thinking about that night I will never forget it all though I wish i could the way she look, the tears, the blood.

It's crazy to see how far she has come since that night and how much mine and her relationship has grown since then so much is happening in such a small space of time. I just want everything to slow down so I don't miss anything.

I push back the thought of that night and place y/n into bed kissing her forehead and walking around to get in to my side of the bed.

I slid into the sheets and pulled y/n's back towards me resting my head in the space between her neck and shoulder.

I lead awake thinking about everything me and y/n have been through in the past months.
she told me all her insecurities and mental health problems, got kicked out of her mothers, found out about the bands first record label, moved in with me and Nick, relapsing, getting better, finding out I was going to have a baby with my ex and everything in between.

Throw out all of the good and bad times one thing hasn't changed and that's that I'm in love with her.

She is everything I didn't know I needed and more, the way she speaks, her sense of humour, music taste, the way her glasses sit perfectly on her face, her gorgeous eyes, her beautiful body, her smile and contagious laugh that sometimes leaves her unable to breathe on the floor, the way she looked in my clothes, how perfect she looked in dresses, I could sit here for days and explain everything I loved about her and wouldn't get bored.

everything about her was so perfect.
I know that know one is perfect but this is the closest I think anyone could get to perfection and I had all that perfection to call mine and I never want to let her go.

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