Chapter 22

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I got there just in time and meet up with the boys outside the restaurant before going in and being seated on a large table to fit everyone on.

I was sat in between Justin and Nick kellin was all the way at the other end of the table. He hasn't said anything to me since we got here and he didn't even look at me once. I didn't think to much about it and just continued chatting to nick's new girlfriend Amanda she was nice but she didn't seem like someone Nick would go for but if he's happy.

We all had food and the others had a few drinks but I couldn't because I'm not 21 till next week. Kellin didn't speak much at all I was starting to get worried did I do something.

I was chatting with gabe and seen kellin walk outside quickly something was wrong.

I looked over at Justin and nodded towards the garden outside the restaurant in the opposite direction to where kellin went. If anything was wrong kellin he would of spoken to Justin so I wanted to talk to him first to find out what I'll be walking into when I talk to kellin.

We both get up and head out to the small garden at the back of the building and stand out side.

"What's going on with kellin?" I ask getting straight to the point "look it's not my place to tell anyone and I have been told especially not to tell you" Justin says looking almost emotionless. What the fuck was going on here.

"Justin I need to know please if something is wrong with kellin I need to know please" I plead trying my hardest to get the answers I needed out of Justin.

"I can't tell you look I know about you and kellin and I know that if I was in his position I would want to tell you myself" Justin knew, For how long. That's the least of my worries right now anyway. What could be so bad that kellin has to tell me himself.

"Ok ok Justin you can't tell me but can you at least tell me the best way to approach kellin?" I give In and stop asking for answers knowing kellin is the only one that can give them to me.

" just be nice and try not to freak out when he tells you" Justin said "ok, I'm going to talk to him thanks" I said before running back into the restaurant and straight back out to the front door to go find kellin.

I looked around the car park to find kellin sat on his car with his phone pressed to his ear, who was he calling?

I walked up to him just as he ended the call with tears in his eyes "kels" I whisper placing my hand on his shoulder "what's wrong?" I ask in a whisper siting on the car with him now with my arm around him.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do please don't be mad. I understand if you don't want to be with me when I tell you I'm just so sorry" kellin grabs hold of me and hugs me tight letting his tears fall "kels babe please tell me what's going on" my voice cracks from the lump in my throat. Kellin takes a deep breath. Here we go.

"So before I got with you I had this girlfriend for a while and I didn't tell anyone about her because I just knew that everyone would say she wasn't for me but anyway that doesn't matter." Kellin trailed on "anyway me and her had a massive fight the week before me and you started dating and we split up and that was it I didn't plan on specking to her ever again I didn't think about her one bit" here was the big part you could tell by the tears gathered in kellin's eyes again "well today I got a text from an unknown number and it was her off of one of her friends phone telling me to unblock her because she needed to tell me something. I unblocked her and she um-she um-sorry" Kellin couldn't speak all he could do was ball his eyes out.

"What did she tell you kellin?" I needed to know it was killing me seeing kellin like this and not knowing the reason why.

"she's pregnant."

I was lost for words I couldn't say anything I couldn't think of anything other than them words 'she's pregnant' what was I supposed to do with that.

"How far gone is she" I stutter rubbing my eyes to try and stop the tears "no it's not like that she was pregnant before me and you got together we didn't hook up when we where together I wouldn't-"

"Kellin I know you wouldn't I just wanted to know how far gone she is" I cut him off "oh she's around 5 months" kellin says more clearly.

"why didn't she tell you before she would have known" I questioned "that's what I wanted to know but she just said she didn't find out till late and she couldn't get hold of me" kellin cried.

I didn't know what to say once again. There where so many questions but I couldn't get them out and I couldn't even get my head around the situation.

"So she's keeping it and your going to have something to do with the baby right?" I managed to ask "yes, and yes I'm not just leaving her with a baby that I helped bring into this world" kellin was so sweet to do that most people his age would of got that news and got up and left.

"I will still do my dream of being in a band and I will still do everything as normal I will just have a little me to do it with" kellin giggles making me smile to see him some what happy to be having a child. But there was that one problem this baby is with another woman.


well shit, but like kellin with a child is to cute. But with another woman, sad.

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