Chapter 27

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Y/n's PoV:

After getting cleaned up and into some comfy clothes me and kellin where wrapped up in each others arms in his bed. both of us exhausted.

(The next morning)

"Morning sleepy head" kellin smiles making me smile at the thought of last night "morning love" I lift my head up giving him a quick kiss "what time is it?" I ask Laying back down "it has just gone half 9 come on let's go see the state of them lot" he says getting out of bed.

I go to follow throwing my legs over the side of the bed standing up only to sit back down again form the feeling in my lower area "you ok over there?" Kellin laughed "no you know I have a high pain tolerance and this, this is killing me" I complain throwing myself back down into bed "well your going to be sore it was your first time there always the worst for pain but is the pain worse it for the fun we had?" He asked smirking pulling me up off the bed to stand "yeah it was" I smirked laughing.

Kellin helped me down the stairs and into the living room to sit on the sofa.

Then he went around and got all the boys up to take them out for breakfast.

"MORNING BOYS" kellin's shouts making all of them sigh and hold there heads "kellin why are you always such a dick when I'm hungover" Nick says sitting down next to me "and why is my sister in your jumper" SHIT.

I was fast thinking and answered straight away "I was so drunk last night I was sick on my dress and went into kellin's room and just robbed him of his clothes, still can't believe I remember it how drunk I was" I say keeping my cool so know one gets suspicious "well I think it's safe to say we all had a good night last night and that's all that matters" Nick says shutting his eyes and leaning into my side ready to go back to sleep.

"No sleeping come on where going out for breakfast and we are all going in what ever we have on now I have deodorant and spray here and chowing gum so let's go" kellin grabs nicks hands and pulls him up leaving me to get myself up.

I slowly get up and manage to slowly walk to the car with out anyone noticing I think?.

"So why can't you walk?" Justin asks from the seat next to me "I fell over last night and it hurts" I make up another random story when the real reason for all these things was because I had sex with kellin.

"Sure 'you fell'" Gabe adds from the other side of me " I did ok now leave me alone" I hit both of them over the head which seemed to work because they didn't talk for the rest of the car trip.

We all got out of the car and into a coffee shop. We all looked a mess most the boys still in cloths from last night and me in joggers and a jumper with messy hair. The only one that actually looked alive and ready was kellin he was dressed and his hair wasn't messy.

We all ordered and went into our own small conversations I was chatting to Nick about the stupid things he got up to last night because he couldn't remember when my phone went off.
A text from kellin.

Kellin- do you want to tell them? Xx

Me- what do you mean tell them what? Xx

Kellin- that me and you are together, I don't want to hide it anymore xx

Me- ok we can tell everyone else. Just not Nick I need to tell him in private.
Unless you do it and I tell the boys.
You and Nick go to the toilet or outside you tell him and when your doing that I'll tell the boys xx

Kellin- ok we will do it after we've finished food, wish me luck xx

Me- good luck xx

(End of texts)

I put my phone away giving kellin a worried look. I was scared at what nicks reaction would be and I didn't have to tell him kellin did.

All our food came out and we all ate and chatted some more about anything that came to mind.

Kellin's PoV:

Everyone had just finished there food meaning it was time for me to talk with Nick. This could go so many different ways.

"Nick can you come outside with me a minuteI need to talk with you please?" I ask playing with my fingers now feeling the anxiety " yeah sure" he gives me a puzzled look before getting out of his chair and following me to the front door.

We walked around the side of the cafe and Nick started asking questions straight away.

Nicks PoV:

"Kellin, what's going on are you ok" I ask worried it's not like kellin to have to get up and leave the restaurant just to speak to someone.

"just don't get pissed off" he says making me worry even more "just tell me and stop dragging it out" I say bluntly.

He goes silent just swinging back and forth on his heal "so me and y/n have been talking for awhile now and where together" he blurts out leaving me in shock.

I wasn't expecting that.
"Kellin what the fuck my sister" I said looking at him still in shock "yeah, listen I want you to know that she really does mean the world to me and i really do love her and I promise not to hurt her or disrespect her" kellin said giving me a reassuring look making me want to believe him.

"Look you might love her and everything but you've got a baby on the way you can't just throw that on her" I sigh remembering that massive factor that now comes with kellin.

"she knows about the baby and wants to be there for both me and my baby" his words didn't surprise me
y/n always said she hated kids but I knew she loved them really.

"all I can say to you is just don't be a dick to her and please don't let this ruin our friendships and if anything dose go wrong with you two you'll still be friends with her because I know how much you mean to Her" I let down my guard starting to feel happy for them.

kellin has had his fair share of shit relationships and y/n has always just been on her own.

I know kellin will treat her right, he always has ever since we where kids.

Wow my best friend and little sister are together in a relationship. Ew.

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