Chapter 30

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Kellin's pov:

Y/n had just got up and went to the bathroom so now it was just me and katelynne.

"So what the deal with you and y/n?" She asked out of nowhere "well where together" I replied not really knowing what she wanted me to say
"So you want nothing to do with me at all your happy with her?" She moved closer "you really don't want us to work things out and give this baby a proper family?" She's trying to get inside my head.

"Listen we didn't work you know that so no I don't want to be with you if that's what your getting at" I bluntly say just wanting her to stop talking.

There was an awkward silence before she stormed off to the bathroom. I panicked y/n probably went to the toilet to have a break from her and now she's gone After her.

Y/n's PoV:

I managed to calm myself down and convince myself I was just over thinking thing
plus katelynne seemed really nice.

I left my cubicle and fix my makeup and hair ready to go back out.

"Oh hey, I was just on my way back to the table" I fake smile bumping into katelynne at the door of the bathroom's "we need to talk" she say's sounding angry walking me back into the women's bathroom.

"Ok what about?" I question confused by the way she was acting she seemed fine before I went to the bathroom.

"What about don't act stupid" she laughed "you and kellin" she say's only confusing me even more.

"What about me and kellin?" I ask

"well you can't stay together you're really going to split a family apart" she said getting right up close to me.

I didn't say anything just stayed silent
"You're really going to sit there and think it's ok to play stepmother
my kid only needs one mother and that's going to be Me" she spits out only voicing out what I've been thinking since I found out she was pregnant.

"I know and I agree with you but-" she cut me off "I'm not done speaking.
I think you should leave kellin it's best for his daughter listen I don't want to come off as mean but it's for the best" she say's trying to act nice about it.

I just stood in shock not knowing want to say to her "plus kellin is already going to be a carp father with his 'big dreams' of being in a band so adding you into the mix isn't going to help" she smiles making my blood boil.

"You can say things about me all you want but don't talk about kellin like that he's following his dreams and is doing well at making them come true and him doing that isn't going to affect how good of a father he is" I snap back at her finding the confidence to speak up.

"How do you know he's going to be a good dad, he's lazy, can't even look after himself, only cares about his little band, god he couldn't even make time for me when we where together he was always to tired or doing something with the boys" her smile drops and the tears start to form In her eye's.

"Katelynne, have you even met kellin he's nothing like that he's always looking after everyone else, is always there whenever anyone he cares about needs him and he would drop everything to help loved one's out" I smile thinking about how sweet and genuine kellin was.

"He is pretty amazing" she smiles letting the tears fall from her eyes "I'm just trying to make myself feel better about us not being together and saying all these bad things about him is making me feel better I know its not true but I thought if I told myself he was a bad person enough I would start to believe it and not love him anymore" she cry's making me feel bad.

I know full well if I was in her shoes I would be a mess too. Having a baby with someone you love and then seeing them fall for another girl must be heart breaking.

"Come here" I say pulling her into a hug starting to let out tears of my own
"Do you feel that?" She asked lifting her head off my shoulder making me look around not knowing what she was on about "here" she laughed placing my hand on her stomach to feel the baby kicking "I think she likes you" katelynne laughs making me smile "I like you too you're a really nice person and I'm sorry about everything I said about you" she said pulling me into another quick hug before pulling away again.

"I like you to katelynne I think we will get on just fine" I laugh for no reason. There was just a lot of mixed emotions flowing through my head.

"Come on let's get back to kellin we did just leave him at a table on his own" she reminds me pulling me out of the bathroom and back towards our table.

We both sat down our food now on the table "are you alright?" Kellin looked at both of us. We just shook our head yes and started eating our food. I was more than comfortable having my food in front of katelynne.

Me and katelynne go into our own conversation where she brings up her other kids?

"You have other kids?" I ask curious kellin didn't tell me that before "yeah I have two boys, nightmares" she laughed "aw I bet you're happy to be having a girl then" I say finishing up my bowl of fries "yeah really happy that's why I found out the gender today I couldn't wait any longer to find out if I was having another boy or not" we both laugh and a waiter comes over with a bill.

Kellin's pays for us all and we start heading out.

"Kellin make sure to give y/n my number" katelynne shouts across the car park "I will don't worry" Kellin shouts back "see you soon bye" I wave to her getting in the car Kellin getting into the drivers seat.

"What the fuck was that" kellin asked
"What" I laugh messing with him "you and katelynne she went into the bathroom not long after you and I thought one of you was going to come out with a black eye" he said over dramatically making me laugh at his hand gestures "we had a nice chat and we're friends and that's all you need to know. Now fall out boy album back on please" I say in a very posh accent smirk at him.

"Yes my lady" he says mimicking my posh voice pressing the radio very dramatically making me laugh.

Today didn't go as bad as I thought it would of. Me and Katelynne got on, then didn't for a minute or two and now where friends and I feel better knowing that I've meet her and that we're on good terms.

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