Chapter 4

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Y/n PoV:

It had been around an hour since me and Kellin got back to the house. most of that hour we sat in silence watching what ever film kellin put on the tv. I couldn't think of anything else other than the fact I had just had a breakdown and told kellin everything I had been keeping in all these years.

In a way I was glad to get it off my chest. I did trust kellin I really did but I'm just not all to shore why? I mean he could easily go and tell all of this to my brother Nick and all the other guys but I know he's not like that.

"Hey you want to get something to eat?" Kellin questions pulling me out of my thoughts to look over at him. He had moved closer to me on the couch looking down at me with his hand placed on my thigh. He had done this a lot since he found out about my scars.
in a way it comforted me but then I worried that I was worrying him and that's why he keep doing it.

"Y/n??" Kellin calles making me shake my head and remember to answer his question "um yeah sure what you thinking?" I really didn't want any sort of food right now all I wanted to do was sit in my bed and cry myself to sleep but I know kellin hasn't eaten all day and he has to have something.

"Ok be ready in an hour where going out for a nice meal" he said standing up giving me his hand to help me up
"Oh a meal I was thinking it would just be a McDonald's run" I laugh getting up off the couch walking to get my keys "well I thought i would treat you to a nice" kellin stutters at the last part.

I was going on a date with kellin fucking Quinn what the actual fuck.

I quickly left the house running back to my house well my moms house.

yes I still live with me mother even though she's an ass to me she gives me a place to sleep so it will do for now until I get on my feet and get my own place.

"Hey mom" I shout as I walk in the house.  silence for a moment until the dreaded footsteps came my way.

"There you are! Why did you not telling me you were staying out over night, what if something happened to you!?" she screamed in my face.

she really wants to tell me about telling people where they are
"mom you know what I've had a hard day and I can't be bothered for your bull shit and you can't 'tell me off' for not telling you where I am you disappear for days sometimes weeks with out telling anyone where you are" my voice got louder and louder felling the anger grow.

"you're a fucking Joke! get out of my house now" my mother screams in my face making me feel just like I did as a kid again.

"Ok I will fucking leave but just remember that I'm the one that calles the ambulance when you've had a few to many lines and I'm the one that pays the bill because you can't spend your money on anything else other than yourself and most of all I'm the one that spends hours with you listening to you moan about your love life and friend problems but you never once turn and asked me how I was mom never one since I was a fucking child! I'll pack my bags and leave" I scream feeling tears come to my eyes from how angry I was
"And maybe if you pad a bit more attention you would realise that I have been depressed and wanting to die since the age of fucking 7" I freakishly say In a calm voice making my way ever so close to my mother.

"Shut up you not suicidal you stupid bitch" she mumbles backing up from me "oh yeah mom don't remember the notes I left you when I was 7 telling you how much I wanted to die! then I went to my bedroom window ready to jump out but even then it wasn't you that saved me you where drugged up sleeping on the couch. nick had to come get me! you are  a shit mother and I never want to hear from you again" I get right up close to her face until she falls back into the wall I turn and walked away and up the stairs like nothing had happened.

Holy shit I really just said all that!

It felt so good to just stand up to my mother and tell her how I felt but now where am i going to go?

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