Chapter 39

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After going back to the house and getting ready for work me and kellin left in separate cars to head off to work. I wasn't looking forward to work today there wasn't anyone I liked on shift today. I just wanted to stay in but I had to make money.

I got to work on time and started my shift as I normally would restocking shelves, cleaning up and sorting some paperwork here and there nothing to stressful.

Work went on for the next 8 hours until I could finally start driving home, jumping in my car and driving off.

I look over to the passenger side and see that my phone was ringing and it was my dad I quickly answer and put the phone on loud speaker so I could speck and drive at the same time.

"Hey dad what's up" I said over to the phone. He went quiet and was trying to speak but couldn't.

"dad what's wrong?" I questioned getting slightly nervous about what was choking him up so bad "it's your mother" he finally got out making me panic. It was never good news when someone called about my mother.

I was just lost in nothingness looking out at the road I was driving down. what had she dose this time, was it good news for once or bad news like always.

I snap out of my almost trance and put my focus back on specking to my dad and driving "Dad what do you mean, what's happened to mom?" I sit up in my seat speeding along the long strip of houses.

"are you driving?" He asks changing the subject "yes now dad tell me what the fuck is wrong with my mother!" I was getting more and more inpatient "are you almost home?" He asks ignoring my questions "I'm pulling into the driveway" I shout itching to find out what was going on "when you get in your house I will tell you" he says just as I'm pulling into the driveway.

I shut down the car and run into the house leaving everything else in the car other than my phone.

"I'm in my house now please tell Me" I say still shouting slightly "ok, your mother took an overdose this afternoon she got taken to hospital but it was to late I'm sorry y/n do you want me to come over and see you" I stayed still. didn't say a word.I was numb.

"She left a note I could bring that over for you, I haven't read it, it was written to you and your brother" I could barely make out his words through the thoughts spinning through my head "just post it late and don't come in when you do" I say emotionless hanging up.

I was gripping onto my phone just looking down at it as I watched it slip from my hand onto the living room floor.

I always thought that this would happen but I didn't think I would feel like this when it did.

I was shaking, I just collapsed I couldn't stand anymore I couldn't do anything, I couldn't do anything but scream and scream as loud as I could until the tears came crashing down my cheeks.

The screaming wasn't enough.
it wasn't good enough to get out all my pain and anger. I got up off the floor stumbling to the couch ripping the pillows off and trowing myself towards the wall and punching it, until my hand went red for the blood.

"What are you doing" i voice muffled in my ear pulling me away from the wall. I feel back down to the ground and did the only other thing I could do, scream.

I didn't even know who was holding me I just cried and screamed into them until I went numb again and feel asleep on the living room floor.

This is all your fault....
If you would of just stayed there....
Been there for her.....
You left her to die....

Kellin's PoV:

Nick had called me and told me to get to the house as soon as I could. Luckily I was the end of my shift and I was in the car park ready to drive home when I got his call. He sounded shaky and talked quickly like he couldn't speak any louder, what was going on at the house that was so bad I needed to get there as fast as possible.

Y/n was the first person I thought of that could be the reason why I needed to get home. I started up the car and drove home worried and anxious about what I was walking into when I got home.

It was the last stretch parking up the car and running into the house to find know one. I ran to nicks room and found y/n lead in his bed asleep when he sat by the side of her trying not the cry.

"What wrong is she alright" I whisper out of breath "no man she just got the news out mother killed herself all she did was punch the walls rip apart the living room, cry and scream. She screamed so loud and hard that she couldn't stand or stay awake" Nick cry's holding onto her hand.

I stood in silence with all this new information trying to settle in I was lost for words, upset, concerned for her and Nick . everything was just so overwhelming to take in and process.

"She thinks it's her fault" I thought over and over in my mind telling Nick as I pasted up and down the bedroom "she thinks it's her fault" I repeat getting a head shake from Nick "she thinks it's her fault that her mother killed herself" I repeat again "yep, she's going to think this is all her fault then she's going to feel so guilty it's going to push her over the edge" nick general puts her hand back down and stands up off the bed letting me sit next to her instead.

She had just got things in place she was on her way to being happy, she left old habits in the past she was doing the best she ever has and now this. This was going to set her so far back putting the blame for it on herself.

She's going to end up relapsing or wanting the hurt herself after this, but I'll be there, she's not going back to the dark place she came from she's staying right here with me and I'm going to get her through this no matter what or how.

Looking at her and seeing how Drained she was as she lays there asleep at peace until she gets up and the word becomes real again and she goes back to believing it was her fault.

I wish I could tell her that it wasn't her fault but she's not going to believe me or anyone else.

I can't wait for you all to see this book in the future I've been working on a few upcoming chapters and I just can't wait for you to read them. Also I will try and make these less depressing.

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