Chaptet 14

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Kellin's PoV:

Who the hell is shouting at me at this time in the morning.

There was a loud knocking sound coming from my bedroom door, shit.
"Nick what's wrong?" I shout back lightly shaking y/n awake how the hell did she sleep throw all this shouting and knocking I will never no.

"Kellin whats wrong?" Y/n slowly opens her eyes looking around with sleepy eyes confused most probably I would be too. "Nick is at the door, just get in the closet" I whisper shout looking at her with wide eyes hers soon matching mine as she slowly walks to the closet trying not to make a sound getting into the closet.

I got up and ran over to the door mouthing the words "sorry" as I walked past y/n closing the closet giggling and she give me a death glare.

"What's wrong?" I ask opening the door only enough that Nick could see my head. "Do you know where y/n is?" Nick questioned "yeah I took her into work this morning her car is low on gas so I took her and went and filed up her car" I lied trying to make a lie that he would believe "oh ok got worried then, anyway off to work see you later" Nick walks off before I shut my door and laughed.

"You can come out now" I said laughing still staying quiet just in case Nick hadn't left the house yet.

"It's not funny I was having a nice sleep you basted" she storms out of the closet and walks straight past me
and back to the bed "hey this isn't my fault" I laughed getting back into bed sitting up resting on the headboard "well it is" she huffed and pulled all the blanket over onto her leaving me with nothing.

I quickly jumped over and took the blanket off her now leaving her with nothing "kellin, it's cold" she kicks her feet having a tantrum and stopped to look up at me.

I couldn't help but laugh at her eventually getting a smile out of her "see there that smile" I teased reaching over and pulling her closer to me.

"I still haven't forgiven you for putting me in a closet and your still a basted" she giggled.

Her little giggle was the funniest thing ever. she would one minute be laughing like a normal person and if it's really funny she'll just fall on the floor and repeat 'I can't breath' and start crying from laughing so much, it's funny but concerning sometimes because I think she actually stops breathing.

"What you thinking about?" She grins
"Nothing" I bluntly said "sure" she nods turning her head away from me
"It is nothing" I blush sitting up looking down at her as she was still lead down.

"Fine if your going to take the piss out of me" she give me a confused look before I start tickling her "NO,KELLIN" she screams through breathless laughs throwing her arms around when she still could until I held them both in one hand pinning them above her head then she started kicking her legs trying to move which I stopped by moving myself on top of her and stopping her from moving.

"This isn't fair" she screams trying to control her breathing and calm down
"No this is very much fair" I laughed
"No kellin I need my morning pee" she shouts still laughing.

I let go of her hands and stop tickling her still hovering over her "are you being serious?" I ask still giggling at how red she had gone from all the laughing "no you're so stupid" she says trying to sit up and move me.

I quickly stopped her and pushed her back down but she had a good grip on my shoulder so I lost my balance and was not completely lead on top of her so close to her face.

There was a moment of silence and just looking into each others eyes before she places her lips on mine.
I quickly started kissing back making the kiss more passionate and rough.
You would never think that just a few days ago this girl had never kissed anyone she was such a good kisser.

Eventually I had to pull away to get some air from our make out session?
Could we call it that?.

"Well that's not how I expected that to go" I said smiling looking into y/ns beautiful big eyes "oh shut up you loved it really" she said sarcastically blushing "I really did" I smirk going in for one last kiss before getting up off of the bed.

"Come on me and you both have work" I smile sarcastically jumping around the room "your so weird" y/n giggled.


Another really short one, sorry.

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