Chapter 33

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I get home and run Into the house now having Monday to look forward to.

"What's got you in such a good mood" kellin asked looking up from his laptop as I come bursting into his bedroom dancing around

"me, Katelynne and her two boys are going to go to a soft play on Monday" I said throwing myself onto the bed next to him "nice you get to meet the boys I miss them" kellin said sadly making me look at him and smile sadly knowing that he still cares for them when they're not even his makes my heart melt.

"You are to cute for your own good, kellin boswick" I get up off the bed getting a dirty look form kellin.

"what's wrong?" I teased knowing exactly what I did "really the last name" he gives me another death stare, if looks could kill.

"What are you doing anyway?" I ask changing the subject looking at his laptop "I'm doing a bit of work for the new album, trying to make a cover for it but I've just gone blank" he sounded stressed out. I think I can help.

"Well I did art in school and I wasn't the best at it but I can draw a couple thing up for you if you want?" I suggested making him slam his laptop shut "thank god I've been sat at that lap top for hours and nothing I got nothing" he takes a deep breath and relaxes back into the bed.

I left his room and went to get in the shower to get ready for my birthday night out.

I got out of the shower and went straight to my room with a towel around me and one on my head to hold my wet hair.

I did my hair so it was in loss curls and did some makeup, unlike my everyday make up I added eyeliner and a little bit of black eye shadow to match my hair.

By the time I had my hair and makeup done it was coming up 2:30 and we had to be at the restaurant for 3:00.
I quickly made my way to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit for tonight.

"Kellin!" I shout hearing foot steps come towards my room after I called "yeah" kellin says sticking his head around my bedroom door "which one?" I held up a back and white checkered dress that was tight fitting at the top that then became More of a flowly dress and stopped mid thigh.

or a T-shirt material black dress with gray buttons going all the way down it. this dress was really loose and went down over my knees.

"The black and white one 100%" he gives me a smile before disappearing again. I quickly get into the dress and put some fishnet tights on and a guitar pick necklace. I looked at  myself in the mirror to see how it looked on.

I was shorter than I would normally go for and my Breasts were on show a lot more than I was used to.

"I can't pull this off" I whisper to myself walking back over to my wardrobe to find something else to wear "you can pull this dress off" a sweet voice whispers grabbing onto my waist and pulling me back into him away from the wardrobe.

"I can't!" I shout turning around to face kellin taking a few steps back to show him how bad the dress looked on me.

"See my legs are on show to much and don't even get me started on the top half my ti-" I start getting stressed and walking back and forth my bedroom.
I was just about to finish my sentence when kellin cut me off gripping onto my waist pulling me into him fast and hard making me shut up and lose track of my words.

"You look so sexy the hair the makeup and especially the dress" he smirks knowing exactly what he was doing
"Come on we have 10 minutes left until we go" his smirk grows with ever word he said making me blush a bright red "kels what are you getting at here" I smirk back I knew what he was trying to do I just wanted him to say it.

"We have 10 minutes I can get you out of that dress and back in it in 10 minutes" he says almost in a whisper gripping hold of my waist even harder turning me on.

"Babe as much as I want to take you up on that offer I don't want to mess up the hair and makeup" I chock out still trying to get over the way kellin was being not that I was complaining.

"I just want to show you how beautiful you are but it's fine I will be a patience man" kellin let's go of me and his smirk drops and he sticks his bottom lip out "I'm sorry I want to just need to look good" I giggle kissing his lips pulling away before it got to heated.

I pulled kellin out of my room with me and walked down stairs to find Nick, Jack, Justin, Gabe, Jesse.

"Oh here comes the beautiful birthday girl!" Justin shouts running over to pulling me into a hug "hey Justin just remember she is taken" kellin laughs coming up behind me and holding my waist resting his head on my shoulder.

"Nick were is your girlfriend, did she leave you?" Jack joked well I hope it was a joke "where going to pick her up from her place its on the way" Nick simply replied making me relieved that she didn't drop out last minute.

I got my black boots on and made my way out to the taxi. we rented a mini bus so we will all fit into one car thankfully.

We where all just sat talking about how I was going to create some designs for the album cover.

Kellin's hand was placed on my leg as the conversation went on but his hand slowly started getting height and height up making me lose track of my words I push his had away and he just laughed to himself.
what the hell has gotten into him.

Kellin got some serious hormonal issues right now bless him 😪.

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