Chapter 20

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I called my dad first and told him what was going on back at home with his wife soon to be ex wife.
he quickly got off the phone with me to drive home and see what was going on.

I got about 40 minutes away from my dad's house were his soon to be ex wife was probably calling an ambulance and the police. Fuck.

I was up in some mountains where I was pretty hidden. I sat down and called kellin. I knew he would be at the studio but it was worth a call and to my surprise I got an answer.

"Hello is everything ok?" Kellin asked on the other end of the phone.
I took a deep breath "no Kels I've just had to run off from my dads house and come and hid up in some mountains because I seen my dads wife with some fuck boy at the house and she was talking shit about my dad and I lost my shit" I rushed through my sentence starting to feel tears fill my eye.

There was a moment of silence before Kellin spoke again "what do you mean you "lost your shit"" he questioned now with concern in his voice "I punched her at lest 15-20 times she's got a bit of hair missing and a few teeth...I'm so sorry kellin I messed everything up I'm sorry" I couldn't help but cry hugging my knees to my chest and just letting it all out.

"It's ok chill out We all just wrapped up at the studio so I'll be on my way to get you soon just send me your location" kellin's words settled me and helped me pull myself together.

I said bye to kellin and got out of my car and walked over the to mountain edge ' if you jump this will all be over' my mind ran wild with thought.

I pulled myself away from the edge and sat myself down on the ground.
As much as I wanted to get better I also just want to end it all now.

If I go I wouldn't have to watch my dad go through heart break that's if I ever see him again after the state I left his wife in I would be surprised if she didn't want me in prison. I've really gone and fucked it this time.

I just sat and thought silently crying watching the sun go down over the hills in the distance as the day went into evening which was hard to see with out my glasses.

I was so lost in my thoughts and looking into the new darkness that surrounded the hills that I didn't even hear kellin come and sit by me.

I lent back into him taking in his smell and resting my tired head on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his.

Both my hands where covered in my own blood for my knuckles. I had Beaten her so much that my knuckles where covered in now dry blood.

"I'm sorry kellin" I muttered under my breath my voice cracking from the tears rolling down my cheeks "hey don't worry you're not going down for this I talked with your dad over the phone and he told me how she's not going to press charges because she knows that you was upset and very angry and that she's sorry" hearing them words lifting a massive weight off of me.

"Oh thank fuck she can apologise all she wants she's still a slag" I giggle tiredly getting one from kellin to.

"Who knew my girlfriend wad such a bad ass she would batter the shit out of her own stepmother" he jokes making me blush "are you mad at me?" Here's the question I've been wanting to ask the most.

"no I'm not yes there is Better ways to solve things but I'm not mad at you
if anything it just shows everyone even more how much you love your family" kellin says making me completely relax and feel better about everything.

"Come on let's go home" i muttered standing up and pulling kellin up after. We both drove our own cars back. Even if I shouldn't of been driving by how tired I was I made it home in one piece.

"Now I have Nick to talk to he's going to call me a bad ass or is going to kick my ass so wish me luck" I say to kellin as we stand by the front door.

Well here we go.

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