Chapter 12

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Y/n PoV:

"Oh my god try mine it's so good" I smiled at kellin shoving a spoonful of caramel, honeycomb and chocolate ice cream towards him "oh that is really nice" he muttered with half a mouthful of ice cream.

"I would say do you want to try mine but it's just basic strawberry" kellin laughed.

"You're so boring you should of tried something new" I said getting to the last mouthful of ice cream "I'm not boring and I get it because I know I like it and I don't need to try anything new" kellin falls back into his seat like a 5 year old having a tantrum making me laugh.

The whole ice cream date thing was spent laughing at kellin's stupid jokes and stories and then the conversation of there band came up, kellin was the lead singer of the band, Jack guitarist, then theses Jesse and nick as the rhythm guitarists, Justin as there bass guitarist and lastly gabe as drummer.

"So I'm going to tell the guys about the record label this weeks" kellin smiled.

I loved when he had a true smile you could tell he was really excited for this.

"Oh there going to be so happy I still can't believe it I'm so proud of you all just wow. when do you start recording?" I question resting my elbows on the table.

"Next month" we where already coming to the end of this month he didn't have much time.

"Starting next month that's not to long away and you haven't even told the boys yet. have you got songs you know your going to have on the record?" I fall back into my seat stressing myself over the short amount of time he had to sort everything out but also interested on what songs he was thinking of adding.

"I definitely want to have let love bleed red, in case of emergency dial 411, you kill me (in a good way) and there is a song I've been working on which I definitely want in there but I haven't played it to anyone not even the boys" his cheeks got red talking about the new song he wrote.

"well what's the song you haven't run pasted the boys yet" I ask giving kellin a curious look.

"Well I can't tell you, it's a surprise I kinda wrote it about you" kellin got quiet and went an even deeper red on his cheeks and so did mine.
Kellin wrote a song for me.

"The songs about me, that's cute but I want to know what it is now, just give me the name please" I dragged out the please putting on my best puppy dog eyes "no you can't know, but you will find out soon, i promise" he points his pinky finger out intertwining it with mine.

"it's a promise no going back on it now" I say standing up moving to the front counter to pay.

"No your not paying this was my idea so I pay" Kellin lightly nudged my to the side and payed the woman behind the counter "you pay for everything I do have money you know" I ask walking out to the car throwing my hands in the down over dramatically.

"oh well It's done now I've payed for it now" he smirks and gets in the drivers set of the car.

god his smirk.

We get home after the short drive home to find an empty house with a note from nick saying.

'Hey if you are y/n stop reading now but if your kellin hey I'm over at my girlfriends house for the night won't be home till morning'.

I didn't listen to the note and stop reading when it told me to.
Nick. Girlfriend. Staying the night. Ew.

"Since when did nick get a girlfriend, that's where he is by the way" I ask throwing the note on the coffee table
"I can't remember a few weeks maybe a month" kellin answered sitting on the sofa leaning into the back of it closing his eyes.

"oh nice I guess anyway I'm off for a shower" I say walking off to the upstairs bathroom.

Here's the worst part I had to take off all of the bandages that had covered my arms and thigh. It hurt like a bitch taking them off but the cuts did seem to be healing the cream and whatever else kellin used on them really worked well. most cuts already healing over a bit.

I shouldn't need the bandages on tonight best to put some of that antibacterial cream on them and let them air out.

I slowly got into the shower which was nice and warm washing all the old blood off me making me feel a lot better.

After my lovely 20 minute shower I got into some lose shorts and a oversized top that went to my knees. I didn't want to put long pjs on because I want to let the cuts air out and heal up a little more.

"Hey kellin where is that antibacterial cream you used last night" I shouted down from the top of the stairs
"It's down here in the first aid kit I'll bring it up with me now" Kellin shouted back.

I went into my room and sat down on my bed looking over at the chair that it all happened in..

"hey you ok" i snap out of my day dream and find kellin sat on my bed next to me "yeah I'm fine" i stumbled over my words

"it's ok to not be comfortable in this room a lot went down last night
here put this on and I'm going to have a quick shower and you can stay in my room for tonight if you want?" Kellin seen right through me and could tell when there was something wrong so easy it was cute and annoying.

I took up his offer and did what he said I put some antibacterial cream on and went and sat in his bed.
I loved this bed it was the best not just because it was kellin's I was just so soft and smelt amazing whatever he washes his sheets in is amazing it made you want to just wrap up and fall asleep.

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