Chapter 31

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"Are you still crying?" Kellin asked getting out of the car back at the house "yes I am that's a really emotional song they've just made it so far" I cry unlocking the front door.
(The song I'm on about is what a catch, donnie).

"Shh, we have to be quiet Nick might still have his girlfriend over" I whisper walking into the house kellin following quick behind walking into the kitchen to get myself a drink of water.

Kellin wraps his arms around my waist from behind resting his head on my shoulder as I filled my glass with water from the tap "You did great tonight I'm glad you two get along" he whispers softly against my neck making me get chills

"I'm glad we get along too" I smile great full that tonight wasn't a lot worse.

Kellin starts to softly kiss my neck making me giggle "Kels what are you trying to do here" I giggle having a pretty good idea of what he was doing

"Nothing, princess" he smirked against my skin "that's a new one" I said referring to the new pet name.
"Yeah it's on a test run don't know if I like it yet" he laughs making me laugh
"Your so stupid" i smiles turing around to face him.

"I love you so much! is it strange that no matter what I do to show you that I love you it will never be enough" kellin says making a really serious face "you just being here with me is enough to show me that you love me and it's not strange I get it" I blush like crazy hiding my face in his chest.

We stand like this for a while just in each others arms enjoying each other's company.

"Come on where going for a walk" I say pulling away from the hug and grabbing kellin's hand leading him out the door before he could say no.

"Y/n my love you do know it's almost 11 at night right?" He asks waving his hand in front of my face sarcastically.

"Yes I do know but walking in the dark is peaceful, quiet and everything is just so much better at night" i really did love walking in the dark it was better than walking in the day.

"you've missing out the fact that, it's dark, cold and dangerous" he adds "where are you taking us anyway?" he asks.

"It's a surprise" I grin running into the woods "y/n! It's dark don't go in there on your own!" He shouts running after me.

I hid behind a large tree watching kellin run passed and shout my name.
I sneak up behind him not making a sound.

"Boo!" I shout jumping onto his back for a moment before jumping off laughing at the look on his face "you bitch" he shouts at me pulling me into a hug.

"aww, is kellin scared of the woods in the dark" I say in a childish voice making fun of him "come on scaredy cat we're almost there" I smile walking slightly in front again.

"here" I said to Kellin who just looked confused "and where exactly is this?" He ask's giving me a strange look "look up" I smirk.

Kellin's looks up and sees the tree house up in the tree "holy shit how did you find this" he walks around the tress inspecting the tree house from the ground "found it as a kid and did it up and made it look better and tada" I place my hands on my hips proud of myself.

"Come on then let's go in" I said exited grabbing an old stone and throwing it to knock the ladder down climbing up.

"You put a lock on this place?" Kellin looked shocked at how much effort I put into the little house.

I open up the lock on the door and crawl in.

It was a small set up a bean bag in on corner of the room, a small low bedside table next to a mattress covered in pillows and blankets.

"You really kitted this place out?" He says in amazement "yep spent 3 summers saving up to buy all the installation, locks, paint and furniture for this place" i run my hand through my hair remembering all the work I did to get the money to fix this place up.

"You put installation in this tree house" kellin holds back his laugh
"yes I did I can't have everything getting damp in here and when I do come here I don't want it to be cold" i cross my arms when kellin just laughed.

"to be honest that is pretty cool though I would of loved to have something like this" he looked around still taking everything in.

I grab the little light on the table and turn it on making the little house light up.

"you have a light as well!" Kellin shouted in amazement.
I just laughed in response getting onto the little bed (mattress on the floor) making myself comfortable in all the blankets, patting the other side of the mattress for kellin to come lay down.

It was a queen sized mattress so big enough for two.

He gets into bed and pulls me close to him "night babe" I say half asleep already.

"wait where sleeping here" he sits up fast looking scared "yeah why not I always did it when I was younger it's fine" I laugh at him from how scared he was "unless your to scared and need to go home" I say in a childish voice again.

"Look I pulled the ladder up so know one can even get up here and I have a pad lock on the inside and outside so Ive locked the door, it's safe" I reassured him pulling him down from his sitting position.

"I can't believe you have the balls to sleep in here on your own when you where what 16?" he asked to which I corrected him "I was 13 actually".

He gives me an impressed look and pulls me close again "you got some serious balls" he whispers "bigger than your" i wisher back giggling at my own joke "yep".

"Right we are safe so good night" i close my eyes more than ready to go to sleep.

"Good night and y/n" he pauses making me open my eyes and look at him "I love you" he quickly pecks my lips making me blush "love you too scaredy cat" I grin placing my head on kellin's chest and closing my eyes falling asleep quickly.

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