Chapter 50

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Y/n's PoV:
We got all our belongings into the house and left them all in the living room. Until we get paint and more furniture we where leaving all the boxes In the living room so we could decorate the rooms with out boxes in the way.

The boxes and bed frame where all in the corner of the living room and our mattress was lead out on the floor with some pillows and blankets in the middle of the room. I decided to just set up a place to sleep in the living room for tonight cause both me and kellin didn't have the energy to move the mattress upstairs.

The rest of the evening was spent looking at furniture on kellin's laptop. We ordered in some take out Chinese food and just chilled out sharing ideas for the rooms of the house. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, having a house to decorate myself has always been one of my dream I've always been so interested in houses decorating and designing houses.

Kellin let me do whatever I wanted with the house as long as it stayed with in our spending limit. I couldn't wait to go out shopping tomorrow I had everything that I needed noted down on a little notebook ready so I didn't forget anything.

The night went on and we got settled into the not so great sleeping arrangements on the mattress on the floor. It was cold and for some reason scary and made me feel on edge.

"I hate this" I said turning over to face kellin who just looked at me confused
"What?" Kellin questioned.

"Sleeping on the floor it's just making me feel on edge" I shive and pulled the covers up over my shoulders just like I would when I was little and felt scared.

"Hold up, You can sleep in a tree in the middle of the woods but you can't sleep on the floor in a community safe locked house" kellin giggles at me and starts rolling around the bed a bit.

"Shut up" I whisper shout picking up my pillow and hitting kellin with it over and over again until he grabbed my arm and takes the pillow out of my hands and hits me over the head once before putting the pillow back on my side of the bed.

I let out a breath and rest my head back down on my pillow looking up into kellin's eyes just taking all this madness in. Everything in the past month has been madness from the moment me and kellin started the relationship to now sleeping on the floor of our home.

If I would of been told all those months ago that I would be moved out of my mothers house and moving into a house with the love of my life I would of called you mad.

I sometimes think I'm the one going mad and that I'm going to wake up from some sort of dream? Was I in a dream?

I felt weird and started to really think about it starting to see all these memories that had happened over the past months and I watched them fade away from me and start to disappear all I could see was black and the sudden feeling of falling.

I jumped up out of my dream to find myself sat up in my old room? Not my room at nicks house it was the room at my mothers house, but this house got sold she left it in her will that once she had passed the house would go straight on the market, she also left in her will that she didn't want a funeral.

So why was I here?. I got up out of bed and looked around the room and seen all my belongings around the room placed exactly the same way they had been before I moved out.

I moved quickly out of my room and towards the stairs walking down them and into the living room to find my mother?. She was sat with a bottle of wine in her hand and one of her boyfriends sat next to her.

"You're alive?" I whispered to myself so know one could hear. I was shaking how was she alive?, how was I back here?.

"What's wrong with you?" My mother said bluntly looking me up and down. I stood in shock not knowing what the fuck was going on.

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