Chapter 10

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Kellins pov:

After dinner I had gone for a shower and just went to chill in my room for a bit as there was nothing else to do.

It has been a while of just sitting around and I was bored I went to go see if nick was up to watch a film but he was in bed for work tomorrow so i went to see if y/n was up to watch a  film but what I found made me upset and concerned.

y/ns tired eyes could barely look into mine as she stood there covered in her own blood.

She just keep on saying sorry over and over. I knew her mental health wasn't the best but this was terrible and the way she played it off as normal made me angry that this has gone on that long it's just normal to her!

I helped y/n into the upstairs bathroom and got out the first ad kit
"Y/n your going to have to take your clothes off you can keep your underwear and bra on but everything else is pretty much covered in blood and covering the cuts that I need to get to" I say knowing this wasn't going to go well "I can't" she begins to cry even harder and breathe heavily "y/n- y/n hey look at me ok I promise your beautiful and you need to understand I need to do this or I'll have to take you to the hospital" I softly say placing my hand under her chin to make her look at me.

She takes a deep breath and nods her head taking off her clothes leaving her sat on the bathroom counter in just underwear and a bra revealing all the cuts.

The cuts were some how worse than I had imagined they where deep to say the least.
I took a soft tissue and started to clean up the old and new blood that was still coming for the cuts going from her thigh to wrists.

"this might sting but it needs to be done to make sure the cuts are clean" I whisper holding back the lump in my throat she nods and closes her eyes holding onto me as I lightly rub antibacterial cream on the cuts.

she was shaking letting out a couple tears and 'ow's' as I finished up with cleaning the cuts and slowly wrapped her thigh and wrists with some bandages.

I quickly ran and got some comfy joggers and a jumper of mine for her to have "i thought my clothes would be best because there baggy and would touch the cuts" I say running back into the bathroom with the clothes she just nods again and flashes me a fake smile.

I hand y/n the clothes and she just manages to get the bottoms on.
I clean up the bathroom counter and seen that y/n can't get the jumper on with out hurting her wrists "come here" i mutter throwing the last of the rubbish in the bin and walking In between y/ns legs helping her pull the jumper over her head.

"Thank you kellin you really didn't have to do this" she whispers with tears in her eyes "no need to thank me" I whisper placing my forehead on hers "this is the first time anyone's helped me when I'm in a situation like this and I never wanted you to find me tonight I'm just so sorry you had to see all that" she cried and I finally let a couple tears slip "stop saying sorry, please" I whisper placing my hand on her cheek wiping away tears with my thumb "ok I'm sorry I'll stop" she mumbles "good you say sorry to much" I flash a smile getting one back from her.

"Please try and stop doing this to yourself you're way to beautiful
to be beating yourself up like this" I say looking dead into her eyes still with my forehead pressed to hers.

"I will try my hardest kellin but I can't make a promises to stop but I promise you I will try my hardest" she smiles as I smiles back looking into her big brown eyes as we both slowly lean in letting our lips lightly touch and pull straight back away but we both go back in and deepen the kiss still keeping it sweet and meaningful.

We both slowly pulled away and took a breath before sharing a smile.

"Come on you need to get some rest" I said lifted y/n gently off the bathroom counter and into my arms bridal style as that was the only way i could hold her with out hurting her.

With out hesitating I took her straight into my room and set her down into my bed climbing in next to her covering us both with the blanket.

I lay still for a moment before carefully pulling y/n closer but placing my arm lightly underneath her and pulling her to rest her head on my chest. I keep a soft hold on her as I gently rub circles on her arm helping her drift off to sleep.

I stayed awake for a while after she had fallen asleep which didn't take long after all the exhaustion of tonight.

I couldn't help but watch her sleep not in a weird way she just looked so peaceful when she was asleep.
I watched her chest slowly rise and fall and thought of what would of happened if I didn't find her? There was so much blood and the way she was when I found her she could barely stand on her own.

The thought of the worst case scenario brought tears back to my eyes but I can't think like that she safe in my arms where she should be.

These last two chapters got dark very quickly, hopefully wasn't triggering for anyone.

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