Chapter 13

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By the time kellin had came into the room I was half asleep wrapped up in the blanket.

I felt the bed dip and turned around to face kellin.
I couldn't see him that well in the dark room but I could make out that he was lead facing the sealing shirtless.

"You ok" he asked looking down at me probably noticing that I was
staring at him "yeah I'm fine just had a really nice time today with you" I smiled "good so did I and I know I've already told you this but I'm proud of you" he gives me the biggest smile and pulls me into a hug taking in my sent and letting out a breathe into my hair letting me no he was relaxed.

"I really like you kellin and I know I've never had experience with dating and shit like that but I've got a good feeling" I whisper smiling.

"Well I like you a lot to no matter what happens your always going to be one of my best friends and I'll always be here for you" Kellin tightened his grip on me making me snuggle up to him and giggle.

"You do know I'm going to have to start sleeping in my own room tomorrow right?" I laugh hearing a little grunt come from kellin.
"Nooo you don't have to" Kellin dragged out his sentence acting like a child again "yesss Nick will start getting suspicious if I'm never in my room and I don't want people to find out there's something going on especially Nick I only want to tell people when where both ready and I mean it's not like we're together or anything so there's no need for an announcement" i babbled on probably sending kellin to sleep.

It wasn't until I heard a very quiet whisper from him I knew I didn't speck him to sleep  "yeah well know one has to know for now but when your mine and I'm yours I'm going to want to show you off"

His words the way he whispered it into my ear sent me over bored and blushing. lucky it was dark so I don't think you could see but the way he said 'when' not 'if' like he knows it's going to happen for sure.

Even if me and kellin have only been open about our feelings for the past couple days we've always had a very flirty friendship and would always get shipped or ask if we where together but we both just pushed it to the side most the time and didn't think much of it the amount of times it happened even kellin's parents where shipping us at one point it was quite funny.

Yet again I feel asleep wrapped up in kellin's arms with a big smile on my face thinking about the things that made Me happy the most, the band, my dick head brother and kellin, right here and right now at this point in time I don't think I need anything else but them.

I didn't need my mother, I didn't need her abuse and 'love' off of her anymore. I had friends and family around that actually treated me right and not like a peace of shit.
As much as it hurt to let her go I have to do it for myself for me to get better as much as it hurt to not know if she was alive or dead.

Really short chapter

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