Chapter 21

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I opened the door and walked into the living room looking down at the floor trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.

I slowly looked up ready to face Nick and hear what he had to say But when I looked up I didn't see Nick.

The house was filled with police officers I quickly look back at kellin and feel my hands being put into handcuffs. Kellin whispered "I'm sorry" with tears in his eyes as he moved out of the way to let the police drag me out of the front door and into a police car.

It was like it was all happening in slow motion. why would kellin do this to me take me back to a house full of police and letting them take me away.

I guess I didn't mean as much as I thought I did to him.

I could hear shouting in the background shouting my name over and over again it kinda sounded like-

"Kellin" I shout grabbing hold of him almost in tears "hey you're ok Nick she's ok" kellin shouts Nick soon running into the living room.
I was lead on the couch Nick was holding a flannel filled with cold water.

"What happened?" I looked around confused my head pounding "you fainted as you walked into the house" nick explained to me making me realise that everything I thought happened didn't and it was just some kind of dream or nightmare.

Nick passed me some pain killers, the flannel and water "you hit your head pretty hard on the floor so you've probably got a headache" Nick added sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Look I know you're a bit out of it right now but what happened today?" Nick give me a serious look which I just ignored and looked around to fine kellin but he wasn't here.

I told Nick everything that happened today at my dads house and felt the tears coming again but I didn't let them fall. I wasn't crying because I felt sorry for her I was upset because I didn't want to upset or disappointed my dad, kellin or Nick.

"I'm sorry I lost it i just didn't know what else to do" I apologise covering my face with my hands "stop apologising it's ok as long as you're ok and that bitch got what she deserved. Yes you did go a bit mad but you where angry I would of been to" nick reassured me pulling me into a hug.

That wasn't the reaction I was expecting, I just went with it and relaxed into the hug.

"Now come on let's get you to bed I bet your exhausted" Nick helped me up off of the couch and helped me up to my room as I was still really sleepy from passing out.

We said our goodnights and he went to his room As for kellin I didn't know where he was he just disappeared when me and Nick where talking.
I didn't really think about it that much and just feel straight to sleep.

I wake up still feeling tired and drained from yesterday. I looked over to the clock in my room and read that it almost 3pm.

I dragged myself out of bed and went to have a bath. I ran my bath and set out some joggers and a jumper to get into after. I got into the hot bath and just took in the hot steam. I looked down at my tattooed leg and smiled thinking about the day me and kellin went and got tattoos. I also couldn't help but notice the now mostly healed scars on my leg and arms.

I was lucky that I healed really quick otherwise these would of been bad for months but now they are nothing more than painless white mark.

In a way it's nice to see them healing but it also makes me want to add more and hurt more.
When they where fresh and new I could look at them and remember the pain I put myself through but now there getting better I don't have that reminder anymore.
I don't need to do that anymore because I'm getting better and one day I won't even think about wanting to hurt myself.

I got out of the bath and got into the clothes I put on the side putting my hair up into a low ponytail and putting my glasses on.

I go down stairs and put the tv on and just sat and watched tv.
the boys where at the studio recording again they should be recording the last few songs for the album today. Then it's just all the editing and uploading that has to be done the studio thinks that the album will be ready to be released by the end of the year.

I got distracted by my phone going off It was a text from gabe which was unexpected.

Gabe- hey, hope you're doing ok heard what happened yesterday. Anyways me and the boys are all going out for dinner to celebrate the final few songs being recorded and was wondering if you wanted to come. plus you would also be meeting nicks girlfriend.

Me- thanks Gabe and congratulations on finishing the recording. Yes I'll come just give me the address and time and I'll be there I'm not missing out on meeting nicks girlfriend!

Gabe- same where all so interested to find out who she is. Ok where going to be going in about 30 minutes and it's T.G.I Fridays if you know where that is?

Me- ok I'll be there as quick and I can. See you soon.


Ok it takes about 15 minutes to get there so I have 15 minutes to get ready Great.

I turned the tv off and ran upstairs quickly putting on some makeup and straightening my hair keeping my glasses on to cover up my tiered eyes a bit more. I grabbed the first pair of black jeans and jumper I seen out of my wardrobe and made it out of the house just in time.

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