Chapter 8

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Y/ns pov:

For ones I had a good night sleep.
I didn't wake up once, which was unlike me.

I slowly noticed my surroundings.
I had fallen asleep on kellins chest and he had his arms wrapped around me.

I tried my best to move out of his grip with out waking him up which didn't go to plan as he kept a good grip on my waist.

Just as i was almost free I hear a grunt and the two arms around me pull me back in "morning" kellin mumbles in the cutest morning voice ever.

"morning to you to" I lean back into him not wanting to stiffen up and make this awkward and plus I like resting my head on his chest "so how about we start this day off right and have a good day with no drama" he says rubbing his eyes "what where you thinking of doing?"

(Time skip)

"Oh there is so many choices, are you sure nick's going to be ok with this" I worryingly ask "yes, I text and asked him and he said it's fine and to fill him in later on why" kellin repeats again.

kellin had taken me down to a local store to pick out some paint and new stuff for my room which the boys had both agreed to let me have.

"Do you have everything you need" he questioned as we walked up to the checkout "yep" I smile exited to be doing the thing I love most decorating.

I paid and got the stuff in the car when kellin went back in to get something he had forgotten but he wouldn't tell me what it was strange?

I got everything into the car and was sat waiting in the passenger seat for Kellin to get back. What was he doing?

After another 5 minutes of waiting kellin came out of the shop with another bag.

"What did you need?" I try to get a look into the bag but Kellin covered it with one of the blankets I just bought

"it's a surprise" he smirks
He was so.. no no he's your brothers friend and your friend nothing more.

It had been a good 3 hours since we got back from the shop and we had just finished setting up the new furniture, a standard bed, clothing rack, shelves and a small desk in the corner which was already here before.

But now comes the fun bit decorating! I brought in my box of posters from all my favourite bands and covered the walls around my bed in posters leaving no remaining part of wall around my bed seen.

I placed my record player up on one of my shelves along with a couple of my favourite albums the rest had to be keep in the box because I didn't have a place to put them.

I set up a cute little lamp and my laptop up on the little desk and put some fair light up around the room.

"It looks really nice" I jumped turning around to find Kellin stood in the door way, "you scared the shit out of me but thanks" I put my hand over me chest laughing "ready for your surprise?" He asked I only now realised the bag in his hand.

I shack my head yes and he hands me the bag. I open the bag up to find a strip of photos of me and well everyone from when we where little to now all on a long string with fairy lights the photos being held on with little pegs.

It was cute and funny to see all the pictures making me think of the day they where taken on "aw this is so cute thank you so much I'm going to hang it up above my desk" I couldn't help but smile pinning the string of photos up on my wall adding the final touch to the room.

"And there is extra string so you can add more photos as you go along in life then one day when we're all old and have grandchildren you can show them it and tell them the story behind every picture" kellin smiles walking into the room to stand next to me to look at the pictures "how did you get all these?" I was so confused to how he got these some of them where of me when I was a few months old.

"I have my ways now let's go make some food for me, you and your ass hole of a brother" he laughed and leaves the room. I quickly walk up behind him giving him a hug from behind thanking him.

Now My lest favourite time dinner time. nick had just came home from work as food was just being plated up. "Hey you ok?" He instantly pulls me into a hug as he came through the door "I'm fine really moms just getting to much and I kinda said somethings she said somethings and I got kicked out but oh well we move on, come on foods ready" I quickly answered and pull out of the hug not wanting to talk about it after the good day It had been so far.

I sat and picked at my food as the boys eat away. I still hadn't forgive myself for eating that much yesterday so I really didn't want to eat today "well that was lovely" I say rushing out into the kitchen to empty my plate into the trash before anyone seen my full plate.

"What are you doing" I hear from behind me.


Here's some photo that I went off of for y/n bedroom.

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