Chapter 17

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(Kellin's PoV)

Me and y/n had just finished our food.
Y/n left a bit of her food but she did well so I wasn't going to tell her to eat it and I didn't want to ruin tonight.

Most of dinner was just random chat about anything and everything including her first appointment with Lisa a doctor that specialises in eating disorders, which I'm happy about it's good that's she's reaching out for help. Just wish she wasn't in this situation in the first place.

"So there is a reason I asked you out for dinner tonight" I say getting a confused looks from her "well why did you then is everything ok" she asks looking worried "no, no I'm fine everything is fine but I did want to ask" she cut me off "ask what?"
"Well if you let me finish" I laugh " ok, ok sorry, you're just scaring me" she
nervously giggled looking down at her hands then back up at me.

"So we have been talking or dating what ever you want to call it for a while and if you are I'm ready to put a label on us" I was so nervous I don't know why it was just a strange conversation to have not that I didn't feel comfortable with y/n It's just always scary to ask someone to be your partner.

"Is this you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?" She grabs my hand from across the table making me look up and see her smiling at me. I shake my head yes and laugh at how stupid I was being "well yes kellin I will be your girlfriend, don't know why it was so hard for you to ask it's not like I was going to say no" those words put the biggest smile on my face.
I felt like I could finally breathe again and felt comfortable and relaxed again.

I paid for the bill even though y/n put up a fight in trying to pay, again.
We stumbled out of the restaurant laughing at the old woman that was behind us in the queue to pay.
Me and y/n where arguing about who was paying the bill and this old woman comes up and has a go at us telling us to "get over yourselves and pay for the food" we've been holding our laughs in since then.

"She was just so angry, her face" y/n was now leant against her car holding her stomach from laughing so much.
We both just laughed until we finally stopped and got our ability to breathe back "come on we best go home, before Nick get suspicious, I'll see you back at the house" she said standing up off of her car.

I quickly pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek "see you at home" I said watching her get into her car before I got into mine and took the quick route home which took 15 minutes but y/n took the long route that takes 30-40 minutes so we wasn't at the house at the same time.

I wasn't happy with y/n talking the long way home it was dark and by the time she would get home it would be at lest 10 if not later but she wouldn't let me take the long way home because it was "less believable" as she says.

I can't wait for the day when everyone knows and we don't have to do this shit anymore but all in time I guess.

(Time skip)

I got in and carried in the shopping I had ran and got before the date.
I only picked up some bits that the house needed but there was 4 bags full so hopefully it's believable.

Nick was watching a movie on the couch when I came in and put the bags in the kitchen and went to sit with him.

"Hey how was shopping? you felling ok you never go shopping for food for the house?" Nick questioned I hated lying to my best friend but it had to be done "don't know got bored. was in a good mood after recording today. also were back in every day for the rest of the week at 11am now instead of 1pm because he's had to fit someone in and change times" I changed the subject fast not wanting to lie anymore than I had to.

"Ok I'll text the boys and let them know them" that's all Nick said before picking up his phone for a moment then placing it down and watching the tv again. turning to ask or speak to me about something every now and then.

(Y/n's PoV)

I finally got home after what felt like forever.

I walked in to the living room to find both kellin and Nick sleeping on the couch I got a quick photo of them both on the sofa and slapped both of them in the face making them flinch and wake up.

"You bitch" Nick throws a pillow at me and sighed holding his head "how was dinner with your friend for work" kellin asked smiling at me knowing full well where I was.

I just simply replied with a 'nice' and told them what food I had and how nice my "friend" was that "she" paid for food.

Nick believed all of it. Kellin just sat there and smirked if Nick had seen his face he would of known something was going on luckily he didn't.

We were all sat up until around 12 taking about everything from the album to the plan for my birthday.
the plan so far was to go out the weekend of my birthday (as my actual birthday was on a Thursday) for food in the day then just go round bars across town getting drunk then going home and drinking a little more until we pass out can't wait!.

Are these boring I feel like they are. I have so many fun ideas I just need to get all this boring shit out the way so I can get it it.

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