Chapter 19

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I was first to wake up the next morning still tired but I needed to get up and get things done.

I slipped quietly out of kellin's grip and made my way to the bathroom to have a shower and get changed into some black jeans, a my chem jumper and my black vans, it was around 9 when I had finished getting myself ready.

I wasn't doing to much today just going to see my dad and catch up with him it had been a while and I couldn't help but think about him yesterday and wanted to go see him.

I got kellin up and out of my bed so he could get ready for another day at the studio even though he wanted a lay in.

I got a small bag together with everything I needed and headed off in my car to my dads. His house was a good 30 minutes away from my house and that's with out traffic.

I got to my dads just after 11 after stopping at the shop for two monster.
my dad has always liked monster and it was sort of a tradition for me to bring a monster for us when I visited.

I parked my car up on the drive way and made my way to the door I knocked and was meet by a face I didn't expect to see it was a man he couldn't have been no older than 30.

"Sorry but who are you?" I asked really confused to who this man was
"Babe who's at the door?" A female voice called getting loud and loud until I could see her.

"Care to explain who the fuck this is?" I let my voice get a bit louder "listening honey I can explain." I cut my so called "stepmother" off knowing exactly what was going on
"So this is what you do when my dad is working long hours to put a roof over your head you invite men 10 years yonder than you to come and hook up or is this a full blown affair" i can feel myself tensing up from anger that she would do that to my dad.

"No, no it's really not like that listen me and your dad are not on the best of terms and I needed someone to for fill my needs y/n come on you can under stand that a woman needs some fun in her life" she laughed
she fucking laughed that slag "ok but can I tell you one thing in private, come out here a minute" I said keeping my cool getting a smile for her as she stepped off of the door step and into the front yard where I was standing.

"you ever laugh about doing this to my dad again I'll send you to your grave" I whispered into her ear pulling away and she just looked me up and down "really you wouldn't touch me plus I'm getting rid of your dad soon anyway so I couldn't care less about his feelings" she laughed it sent me over the edge.

She spun on her heel and went to walk back into the house I did the first thing I could thing of and went for her pulling her hair until she was on the ground and I could get on top of her.
With each punch I did I said
"don't. You. Ever. Talk. About, my. Dads. Feelings. Like. That. Again. You . Bitch"
Her little playboy comes out and tried to get me off her which I just replied with elbowing him in the face.

I don't know what came over me I just seen red. After laying a few more punches to her face she was covered in blood missing 1 or 2 teeth and she couldn't stand up or speak.

"Fuck you" I spat on her almost life less body on the floor before walking off to my car and getting in and driving away.

Well that didn't go to plan.


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