Chapter 6

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Y/n PoV:

The car ride was quite until I decided to put some music on from my CD collection this time I put on some pierce the veil skipping until I found my favourite song of the album 'yeah boy and doll face' I sat resting my head up against the window lightly humming along to the song.

I felt my eyes get heavy and I start to drift off to sleep but before I can kellin pulls into what i think is a restaurant?

"are we here?" I ask lifting my head up off the window "yeah, come on let's get something to eat" with that we both get out of the car and walk into the fancy restaurant getting seated straight away and order two glasses of Diet Coke.

Things went silent as I looked at the menu searching for the lowest calorie meal I could get even though
whatever it was would taste like shit I didn't care.

"y/n, look at me" kellin says reaching for my hand across the table "get whatever you want don't worry about the fat or sugar in it you're beautiful and should eat whatever you want" kellin doesn't break eye contact holding on tight to my hand.
I really wanted to believe what he told me but my mind wouldn't have it telling me it was just because he felt sorry for me right?

"You know what I know what you like I'll pick something for you and your not looking up the calories on it" Kellin takes my menu from me and goes back to looking at his.

Great the one thing I actually had control of is gone but it might help?

Kellin had finally put the menu down and called someone over to order "hey are you ready to order?" The sweet older woman asked "yes, can we have a large pepperoni pizza with a side of fries please" kellin smiles looking at me and back up at the woman "yep we will have that with you in 20 minutes" with that the woman walked off to the next table.

"Pizza good choice" I said taking a sip of my drink "yeah I remember when we were kids whenever you got upset a good Pepperoni pizza would always cheer you up and what better place to have pizza other than at an Italian restaurant" the memory that kellin brought up made me laugh it was true I loved pepperoni pizza as a kid and I still do but I never have it because there's to many calories but I'll try my hardest not to think about that right now.

"So you got anything for the band coming up?" I ask, I actually really enjoyed there music even though they hadn't released anything yet.

I had a good feeling about sleeping with sirens with all the boy's amazing talent and kellin's outstanding and beautiful voice there going to go far.

"It's actually going really well, I got some big news to tell the guys this week" you could clearly see that he had became ten times happier after saying that "oh my god what's happened?" I ask starting to get excited too.

"well I've been calling around and sending some places some of are stuff and I've found a record label that likes us and wants to take us on but I haven't told the guys yet it's going to be a surprise so don't tell them" all I could do was sit still in my seat trying to take in what kellin had just said.

This was amazing i told you I had a good feeling about sleeping with sirens "oh my fucking god that's actually amazing I'm so happy for you" I almost shout moving around the Booth we were sitting in giving kellin a hug.

This had really brightened my day because I knew just how much this means to all the boys.

After moving back to my Sid of the booth the food came.
as we slowly eat the pizza and fries kellin didn't fail to keep the conversation Going which made me feel more comfortable eating away at the pizza.

We had slowly but surely finished up the pizza, most of the chips and our drinks. We both ordered another drink and talked as the night went on until it came to having to leave.

Kellin refused to let me pay the bill or even just my half.
I felt bad even though we just had pizza and fries to share this restaurant doesn't seam to be cheap with all the posh and nice dresses people around us.

Walking out of the restaurant me and kellin were still laughing at an old childhood story I had told about when me, Nick and kellin went up the river by our old house in the summer and kellin forgot to let go of the tree swing that went into the river because he was to scared. it was so funny seeing the look on his face we he realised he wasn't brave enough to let go.

The car ride was the same as the way there a nice silence with the music playing in the background only this time it was dark out and had to be around 10 in the night only making me want to go to sleep more as I watched the street light go by.

"Y/n, come on let's get you to bed" I hear as a light pressure is applied to my shoulder I feel asleep?

I let out a sigh and took my seat belt off having the door kindly opened for me by kellin "thanks" i slowly but eventually get into the house that seems to be empty "where is nick?" I ask looking back at kellin " I think he's gone to bed he's got work tomorrow" he whispers back nick's room was down stairs so I wouldn't be hard to hear us.

I nod and go to set up camp on the couch for the night in a full face of make up and In my dress.

"Come on your not sleeping in that or sleeping on the couch, come on follow me" Kellin wipers taking my hand and helping me up off the couch.

I just wanted to go to sleep.

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