Chapter 67: What's going on? The fun begins!

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A/N P 1:

I am doing half the chapter in Glacier's point of view and the other in David's. There's a reason.


Glacier's POV:

When Elsa left the room, Button put a paw on my lap. She could tell I was upset.

"I'm fine, girl!" I put out my hand and she sniffed it.

"I think Elsa isn't fine, though," said Winter. "She's acting strange."

"It might be because she's had a lot of crap in her life," I said. "Like loosing a parent and bounced from one place to the next."

"Her powers haven't done that in ages, though," said Winter. "When you got doped, she almost sent snow outside the school."

"Poor thing," I sighed. "I told her to stay with you and Scarlet."

"She did come back when they took you to the hospital to help you get it out." Winter reassured me. "But I could tell she wanted to be with you. She didn't even touch her food that day. But the teachers understood what was going on. Our tutor even let her sit in the room to keep an eye on her. She looked so terrified that you could of died."

"Poor thing," I said. "I know I was in her shoes when Mum shot her. But she suffered a lot worse than I have when it comes to death."

I cuddled Button who whimpered. "It's okay, Button."

"It was great Button was with us at the time." Winter also petted Button. "She kept Elsa calm. Your dad took her home the day after."

"So Elsa missed school, too?" I felt a bit guilty.

"Yeah," said Winter. "She couldn't do it. I hate to tell you, Glacier. But she found cuts up her arm."

"But how?" I felt sick. "She took my knife away."

Winter stayed quiet.


David's POV:

I sate down on the sofa.  Christmas was a busy time for the whole Baker family. Not just my part of the family, but my sister and Alaska, too! I felt so bad about Glacier and Alaska being split up at seven years old. But Emily was going to kill Alaska. What else was I meant to do?

Elsa walked into the room, looking anxious. Her phone was in her hand. "Er ... David?" She came over to me. "Is it okay if I talk to you about something?"

I moved up to save space for her. "Of course! Is everything okay?"

"No," said Elsa sitting down.

"What's wrong?" I put my arm round her. "You look like you want to let it go!"

"Alaska keeps sending me worrying messages," said Elsa. "She doesn't want me to tell Glacier."

I took her phone and read the messages. Elsa snuggled up to me, shaking a bit..

"I know about this," I said after a while. "She has to go to hospital a lot."

"But Lung cancer?" Elsa sounded close to tears. "You seem to not have the greatest when it comes to them."

"What did she say on Skype earlier?" I looked at her. "About things?"

"Not much," said Elsa. "She was worried about Glacier and I."

"She told them that Auntie Maria needed her," said Lilly who had heard me ask. "She sounded ill, daddy!"

"She's okay," said Elsa.

Lilly walked out the room and closed the door.

"Listen to me, Elsa." I gently massaged her back. "Don't tell Glacier anything. Alaska is currently on drugs to help her fight it. We don't know if we can save her."

"Oh," said Elsa. "But we can, right? Surely if she comes back to Inkwell, that she can have better treatment here?"

"We are considering that," I said. "But Maria is scared about letting Alaska come back. She's worried that Alaska might have bad memories about what happened to her."

"She said she didn't like necklaces," said Elsa.

"No," I said. "She doesn't. She doesn't even wear a collar as her dog form. Poor thing. She was in her dog form when it happened. She shifted after I rescued her. Glacier saved her life."

"Emily did something to her?" Elsa looked pale. "What a bitch."


A/N p2:

Here is chapter 67. I wanted to begin it with Glacier because the next chapter will be her and Elisabeth and I couldn't exactly leave her point of view until next chapter. David's point of view was also important because I wanted him to talk to Elisabeth about Alaska.

Hope you liked it.

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 1 - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now