Chapter 78. Scarlet's in Hospital

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Elisabeth's POV:

Time went past, waiting for  news about Scarlet. Luna and Arianna sat with me and Glacier in the living room. Winter had joined us. I could tell that the girl didn't want to speak.

"David's always on it," said Luna. "I know about that."

Glacier nodded. "Scar will be okay, Winter. Promise. I'm sure if Dad's taken her to Hospital, that they will takke care of her."

"Glacie's right," I said. "I'm sure Scarlet's going to be in the care of  nice medical people."

"That could of been all of you like that, though," Winter whispered.

"But it wasn't," I said. "Glacier needed to loose it, remember? She had a crap day! Good job she could use that anger to get them behind bars!"

"Thank you, Glace!" Winter hugged Glacier who looked surprised. "You are a hero!"

"Elsa," came David's voice. "Bring Winter here, please!"

"Okay," I said.

I got up and put a hand on Winter's shoulder. "Come on, Winter. I'm sure it's Scarlet wanting to know you are okay!"

Winter followed me out.


David hugged Winter who looked relieved. "She's safe, now! In the caring hands of the medical people."

"Thank you," said Winter sounding happier.

"You're welcome, Honey!" David patted her on the shoulder. "It's almost your girl's curfew."

"Will you be okay to get back to your house?" I asked Winter.
"It's dark!"

"I'll take her, darling!" David nodded. "I'm going home to the three other kids."

"Send them our love," I said. "I'll go back to Glacier. Night, Winter! I told you Scar will be okay!"

"Night, Els.!" Winter seemed a lot better now. "See you in school!"

I nodded and walked into the kitchen where Button was sat, waiting. Her beautiful brown eyes looked at me.

"Come, girl!" I put my hand out. "Let's go back in!"

Button trotted into the lounge and I followed. Glacier was talking to Luna who was looking worried. I sat the other side of my girlfriend. "She's in hospital, now!"

"I thought as much," said Glacier. "Does dad know what actually happened?"

"We'll find out when she comes round," I said. "She was in so much pain that she passed out."

"Poor Scar," said Luna with a sigh. "It must of been more painful than we thought."

Glacier checked her phone. "Oh, Lilly tried to ring us, Els! And Anna!"

"How does Anna know?" I felt confused.

"Lilly told her, I think." Glacier looked like she was falling asleep.

"Bedtime, you two!" Arianna smiled. "Miss Baker looks like she'll fall asleep where she's sitting."

"Come on," I said gently helping her to her feet. "Let's go!"

"But I need a shower!" Glacier yawned

"do it tomorrow," I said. "You look so tired."

"Okay," said Glacier trying so hard not to yawn again.

"Night then, girls!" Luna said, helping me get the sleepy Glacier to her feet. "It's me and George in the morning."

We nodded and I lead Glacier out the room. Button trotted with us.

"Button!" Called Luna. "Come back!"

Button turned tail and walked back, looking sadly at the door to the kitchen.


Glacier struggled into her pyjamas. She looked distracted.

"Are you okay?" I walked to her. "You're trousers are the wrong way, love!"

"Oh," said Glacier.

"Listen," I said. "Just go to bed. It's so late!"

"Okay," Glacier stumbled to my bed.

"Er ... Glacie!" I tried not to giggle. "That's my bed! Here!" I put my arm out and lead Glacier to her bed. "This is yours."

"Oh yeah!" Glacier sat down and sighed. "I'm so tired!"

"Do you need a drink tonight?" I sat beside her. "You look that you need water."

Glacier nodded. "Yes, please!"

I picked up her water bottle and found her pocket knife! I sighed. "Oh, Glacie! Where did you get your pocket knife from? I thought I took it away!"

"What?" Glacier looked up.

"You haven't done anything silly again, Babe?" I felt the anxiety grip my stomach.

"Fine," sighed Glacier. "You win."

"But why?" I sat back down. "You promised!"

"Biscuit and Midnight!" Came the answer.

"Let's see it," I said rolling her sleeve up. "It's not that bad. But we need to show this to Miss Iceland tomorrow and she'll report them."

"I'm ..."

"Shush," I said hugging her. "Don't worry."

I got up and went to fill her bottle up. "We'll sort it."

"Hopefully," sighed Glacier rubbing her eyes.

"Just go to sleep," I said. "You're water will be beside you on my desk."

I put her hand on her bottle. "Okay?"

Glacier nodded. Then she got under her covers. I sat beside her and gently hugged her. "Just go to sleep."

Glacierheld my hand and I gently rubbed it. I felt her relaxing and soon, gentle sounds came out of her. I leant over her and tucked her in. She did look at peace.

"Night, Glacie," I whispered. "I love you!"

Then I went quietly to my bed and fell asleep. Today's events went away from my head as I fell asleep!



Hey everyone! Here is the long awaitened chapter. Hope you liked it!

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