Chapter 77. After dinner!

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Glacier's POV:

"Dad!" I entered the Living room with Button who was gently leading me with my hand on her collar.  "Scarlet's hurt."

"I thought as much," sighed dad getting up and walking to me. "Where's she now, Darling?"

"Mine and Elsa's room," I said.

Dad didn't even let me finish as he walked out. I sighed and went to Button's basket with the dog. She whimpered and nuzzled my hand.

"She'll be okay, Girl!" I hoped those words were going to be true.

Button lay down in the basket and put a paw on my knee as I knelt beside her. She licked me gently. It felt like Alaska was here with me. In dog form. But I knew Button wasn't quite Husky like Alaska could change to.

"Are you okay, Glacier?" Arianna came over and put an arm round me. "You did well."

"I'm okay, I think," I said. "Tired. But okay."

"I heard about Performing Arts, sweetie," said Arianna. "Ignore the boys. They didn't go what you went through those two months."

"I know," I said. "It's not like I do that all the time."

"Your dad kept me posted." Arianna sat beside me. "I was so worried. I don't know if you know, but I love your dad. I wanted to save you all from the day you turned blind. I would of come over to support your dad during those difficult times."

"Really?" I felt happy. "I hope so much for you to become my mother like figure. I would feel safe, Arianna! But you are looking after Winter!"

"That doesn't matter," said Arianna. "You, Wolfie, Lilly, Kate and Bruno mean a lot to me and your dad."

"What about Els?" I asked.

"And Elsa, too!" Arianna said. "That night was a struggle for her! I knew she loved you a lot. She didn't leave your room for those days. Even at home."

I felt blush creep onto my face. Arianna started giggling. "Your face says it all, Glacier! You obviously love her, too!"

I nodded. "


Elisabeth's POV:

"Shush, it's okay," I soothed as Scarlet sobbed. "I know it hurts."

"It hurts to move it," sobbed my best friend. "Get help."

"Glacier's gone to get David," I said. "It's going to be okay! I promise."

"But Winter doesn't know," sobbed Scarlet as a pulse hit herr.

"We'll tell her," I said. "Not sure how she'll take it. But I'm sure she'll come and visit you. Like Glacier did for me and I her!"

There was a knock. "Can I come in, Elsa, Honey?" David's voice came through the door.

"Yes," I said. "Come in!"

The door opened and David came in. "So, what's going on?"

"It hurts me," screamed Scarlet stiffening up.

"Give her here, Elsa, Darling!" David came over and lifted Scarlet from me. "I'll take care of it."

"Thank you," I said. "Poor Scarlet."

"Go to the kitchen, darling," said David. "Luna's serving dinner for you and Glacier. Tell her Scarlet's going to be delayed."

"Sure thing," I said getting up and walking to the door.

I opened the door and walked out. I stared at the kitchen door where Luna staired back. "Is Scar okay?"

"Don't know," I said honestly. "Something might of happened to her when she faced the Bitches."

"Dinner's ready, anyway!" Luna turned and walked away.

I walked down the corridor and entered the kitchen. Glacier was already there. She looked worried. "What's going on?"

"Your dad's got her, now!" I said sitting beside her. "Don't worry, Babe. She'll be okay!"

"How do we tell Winter?" Glacier asked.

"Don't know," I said truthfully. "We'll have to break it to her slowly!"

Luna sighed as she put my dinner in front of me. "Of all days for this to happen!"

"What do you mean?" Glacier asked as Luna placed her plate and gently guided her hand to it. "What happened today to be special?"

"It was our mother's birthday!" Sighed Luna.

Me and Glacier gasped.

"She died not long after that. Probably a few months? Luna sat down opisite us and tucked into her own plate. "I understood why you got upset, Els. We lost a parent on the same day! Not long after we met you in KFC with your Dad. I know how you feel."

I nodded. "I'm glad I got to see you again, Luna! I was quite alone when you and Freya left me and Shera!"

"I'm glad she found a home," said Glacier. "And now the three of you are near each other!"

"Are you okay, Glacie?" Luna stopped eating and reached over to hold her hand.

I turned and noticed that she was crying.

"What's wrong?" I felt worried.

"I hate our Mothers!" Glacier sniffled. "If it wasn't for them, we would all be with our happy families and not feel threatened all the time!"

"Are you missing Wolfie?" Luna squeezed her hand gently. "Hug her, Els."

I put my fork down and put my arms round Glacier. She was obviously upset!

"I'm sure that you can see her again," said Luna gently. "Maybe in the summer?"

"It's the cost of flights," sniffled my girlfriend. "Plus shit is going on over there! Not to do with Auntie Maria or anything. School's not going right for her and she's not coping. I want her to come home."

Whimpering came from the living room. "Aww," I said. "Button's upset."

"Come, Button!" Luna called. "Got some food for you, girl!"

Button came out and went straight for me and Glacier, looking worried. She whimpered and nuzzled Glacier. Aww, bless her!



Here is chapter 77?

I don't promise that the next chapter will be up soon. Classes have started again for me and I will be given a lot of homework.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and see you in the next one, hopefully soon!

Oh, and I  love that this book has so many reads. So thanks!

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 1 - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now