Chapter 20. Protecting Glacier.

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Elisabeth's POV:

Glacier lay down, sobbing hard into her pillow. Her sobs sounded so frightened that I lay beside her, cuddling her. My heart skipped a few beats as I did this. You need to admit it, Elsa.

Glacier was still in her clothes but she sobbed herself to sleep. Her sniffling snores tore at my heart. Poor Glacier. I sat up and looked at the text again. I'll protect her. Then my phone started ringing. It all happens tonight.

"Hello?" I said quietly into the phone.

"Hi, Elsa," said David's voice. "Is Glacier okay?"

"No," I said truthfully. "I had to hug her until she fell asleep. She's in her clothes, though."

"She does that at home," sighed David. "Don't wake her up."

"What do you do though?" I asked. "She's fast asleep."

"It's a good job I got her lots of clothes for school," said David. "I knew something like this would happen. Has she cut yet?"

"No," I said. "I hid the knife away."

"Good," said David. "We need her clean. The doctors are not happy with her doing this."

I put an arm around the sleeping Glacier. "She's skinny, David."

"She hardly eats at home," said David sounding sad.

"She ate at lunch," I said. "But not breakfast or dinner. I'm worried, David."

"You and me both," sighed David. "She does not eat properly since Alaska left."

"Poor Glacier," I said.

"Emily hates her that much that she wants her gone for good," sighed David. "She is armed with a knife."

I gasped. "Have you rang the police about her?"

"I'm scared to do that," admitted David. "She could be listening."

I bit my lip. "Oh. Well, she could be listening to our call."

"No, I'm in the car," said David.

"Ah, good." I sighed with relief. "She texted Glacier. Telling her she's coming to get her."

"Thanks for letting me know," said David. "We do have social services that we report to if she does hurt any of the kids. She's on her last warning now."

"My mum is, too!" I said. "Kyla reports to Ottershead one."

We both went silent for a minute. I looked at the skinny form of Glacier.

"I wish we could do something for her," I said.

"I've tried to get her to see someone, but the poor girl refuses." David sighed. "Thanks to Emily, her confidence is off the rails."

I found myself gently rubbing circles into Glacier's shoulders. The older girl relaxed at my touch.

"She's liking the massage," I whispered in the phone. "Does she let anyone touch her usually?"

"Only people she thinks are not a threat," said David. "You're honoured,"

"Where does she like it more?" I asked.

"Shoulders and back," said David.

"Okay," I said.

I gently did the same circle movement on her back. Glacier relaxed at my touch.

"I better let you go and have sleep," said David. "But if she does come to Mill Brook and lays a hand on her, please text me."

"Okay," I said. "I'll do that."

"Thanks, Elsa." David yawned. "Goodnight."

"Bye," I said before we hung up.

After that, I got ready for bed. But before I got in my own bed, Glacier woke up. I walked to her and sat beside her. "Go back to sleep, honey."

That made Glacier blush. "But I need to get dressed."

Don't worry about that," I said gently. "Just go to sleep. Okay?"

Glacier nodded and yawned. I joined her and hugged her. "Can't you sleep, Glacie?"

"No," said Glacier.

"Why not?" I started my massaging again.

"Nightmares," sighed Glacier.

"Oh, Glace," I said hugging her close.

Glacier's lips were near mine. Should I do it?

"Do it, if you want." Glacier read my mind.

I looked at her. "What?"

"If you want to, do it, now." Glacier held me close to her.

She smiled a gentle smile. "I can tell you want to do it. Kiss me, Elsa."

I gently kissed her on the lips. Glacier held me and kissed me back. Warmth went through me. "I love you, Glacier."

Glacier put the duvey over me and hugged in to me. "I love you, too, Elsa. Forever!"



Aww. Glisabeth!!!!

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 1 - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now