Chapter 29. Good news.

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Scarlet's POV:

Over the weekend, Arianna let me go into their room. She wanted me to keep an eye on Glacier. The older girl was constantly checking her phone.

"Nothing yet," she said in a disappointed tone. "I miss her, Scar. I really do."

I walked to her and hugged her. "Well, I had good news."

"Ah, did dad tell you that Luna got the job?" Glacier smiled. "She's starting tomorrow. She was one of Elsa's best friends. Elsa will be happy to know that Luna has taken Clorrissa's place."

I smiled. "They went to the same orphanage and school. I didn't go to school. I got homeschooled. It threw me off guard when I came here in year seven."

"Bet it did," said Glacier. "You do seem intelligent though, Scar.  You did well in English on Friday. And maths."

I was glad Glacier couldn't see my face as I blushed. "My dad helped me. I like reading and writing and practical. But I hate maths."

"I mean who does like Maths?" Glacier smirked. "Just Biscuit.

"You seem to like the idea of Monday's timetable," I said. "Do you like Drama?"

"Yes," said Glacier. "All my best subjects. Drama, History, English and Music. Then Maths and Religious studies. Not my favourite subjects."

Then her phone rang out. I could read the name Lily. Glacier answered. "Hi, little sis."

She put it on the loudspeaker.

"Hi, Glacie," said Lily. "I heard what happened on Friday with Elsa."

"Who told you?" Glacier sounded surprised.

"Luna did," said Lily. "I was just calling to make sure you were okay. Luna was upset to know about that."

"I miss you, Lils." Glacier sighed. "You sound tired. Did you not sleep well?"

Lily went quiet. "No," she said after five minutes. "Did dad tell you she hurt me?"

"No?" Glacier looked angry. "Why?"

"Don't know," said her little sister. "Good news about Luna though. She wanted a job for ages. Not just her therapy job."

"Her sister's with me." Said Glacier. "You know Luna used to break down all the time, saying she missed her."

"Yeah?" Lily sounded surprised.

Glacier smiled. "Turns out that Scarlet goes to Mill brook. I think Luna would be very happy to be reunited with her after so long."

"Luna's with me at the moment," said Lily. "She wants to talk to you, too, Glace."

"Pass her on," said Glacier.

"See you next week," said Lily."

"And you, honey," said Glacier.

The phone was passed on to someone else. "Glacier!" Came her voice. "Are you okay?"

"Hi, Luna," said Glacier. "I'm a bit shaken still. But I guess no news is good news."

"You said that you found my little sister," said Luna.

"Yeah," said Glacier. "Do you want to talk to her? She's in the room with me. She's looking after me while Elsa's in hospital."

"Hi, Luna," I said.

"Scarlet?" Luna sounded surprised. "Is that really you?"

"Yeah," I said. "I'm so glad you have the job."

"Me too," said Luna. "How is everything for you and dad at the moment?"

"Dad misses you a lot," said Scarlet. "We have a few step siblings. All don't like me. But that's to be expected."

"My foster carers are happy I have the job, too!" Said Luna. "They often go off to India for their job. I often look after the Baker kids. Hence how I know Glacier."

"You are a good carer," said Glacier. "But now you are coming to Mill Brook, who else will look after them?"

"I'm looking after you guys during the holidays, still, Glacier," said Luna. "Your dad pays me a lot. A lot more than my actual job. And with uni too, everything is not going well financially."

"Oh, Luna," I said with a sigh. "You don't sound like you get a fair life."

"Nope, little sis." Luna sighed. "But let's see if this job will bring me money. I'm planning to move out of my foster carer's house soon. David has found a house for me. But I can't pay yet. Not even the rent."
"The bloody government is raising the prices sky-high," said Glacier. "It's not fair for university students. Let alone disabled people."

"You have been doing your research very well, Glacier," giggled Luna. "You have changed since I started helping out when you were nine."

I felt happy that I have heard my sister's voice. But how will the actual reuniting go tomorrow after school?



I wanted to throw that in before the next ten chapters.❤️❤️

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 1 - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now