Chapter 82: The Question Is Finally Asked

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A/N: This chapter will be told in both Elisabeth and Glacier's point of views. Please enjoy!


Elisabeth's POV:

It was nice that Scarlet was back! We all missed her. I felt bad for Winter who was very excited to find out she was back!

David smiled at me and Scarlet. "Glacier's back?"

"Yes," I said. "Just went intoo our room for some reason."

Button started whimpering. David smiled at the four-legged friend. "Want a treat?"

Luna walked out the kitchened and squealed. "Scarlet!"

"Hi," said Scarlet running to her sister and hugging her tightly.

David smiled. "Luna was worried about you, Scarlet!"

"I'm back now," said Scarlet.

The kitchen door opened again and George peeped out. "Hello, Scarlet! Welcome back!"

"Thank you, George!" Scarlet grinned. "It is great to be back."

"Arianna gave us the tablets."

"Okay," said Scarlet.

"I'm just going to my room, David!" I said feeling conscious that I was still wearing my uniform. "Just going to get in to home clothes."

"No problem," said David hugging me. "Are you okay though, after yesterday?"

I nodded. "Kind of."

"Worried still about the self-harming?" David asked. "I didn't know she was doing that!"

"Me neither until last night," I admitted.

"Don't worry about it anymore," said David. "Oh, and I talked to Mr Black?"

"Ah year?" I frowned.

"He's given you permission to do lessons at home after the Easter holidays at home while you go through that month!" David squeezed my hand gently. "We all want you to feel safe and secure so if you do have melt downs, you don't hurt anyone."

I smiled and nodded. "Thank you, David! It means a lot."

"We understand if you don't want to celebrate your birthday, darling!" David looked at me. "That day being that dreadful day. I wished I could of saved him."

"It's not your fault, David!" I hugged him. "It was too late."

The temperature dropped suddenly as my power kind of came back.

"Miss Harrison," David smirked. "Come on, calm down!"

"I thought I had it controlled." I felt puzzled.

Our door opened and Glacier walked out, wearing a pretty pink dress. Her strawberry blond hair was still in her braid. "What's wrong?"

"Elsa's okay, darling!" David reassured Glacier.

"Aha," I said."it's nothing."

"Don't lie," said Glacier. "You've got upset again."

"Your dad is blaming himself for my dad's death," I admitted. "But it wasn't anyone but Emily's fault."

"Come in," said Glacier, holding our door open. "I want to talk to you about something. Plus you've not got dressed so we can't take Button for her W word."

"Okay!" I sighed and smiled at David. "Coming!"

David patted me on the shoulder. "Glace will cheer you up!"

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 1 - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now