Chapter 7. ITrouble from the start.

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Glacier's POV:

"I'm sorry, Elsa!" I found myself say as we hugged. "You go back and eat something. I'll be fine.

Elsa stared at me. "Glace, I can't leave you like this."

"But you cannot leave your food because of my insecurities," I said. "Here," I added handing her my toast, ripping off the bit I chewed. "Finish this!"

Elsa took it from me and ate it. I finished my small bit and sighed. Elsa let me put my head on her shoulder. I wanted so much to admit my feelings. That I loved her. But now was not the right time.

"You have something on your mind," said Elsa. "What is it?"

I sighed. "I can't possibly say, at the moment, anyway!"

Elsa patted me on the shoulder. "Are you sure?"

I sighed and nodded. "I'm worried I will be in trouble."

"Whatever for?" Elsa asked.

"Telling the truth," I said.

"Glace," said Elsa. "Just spit it out."

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter right now. Let's get ready for school."

Elsa looked at me. Blush crept in to my cheeks. I couldn't hid that. Damn it!

"Why are you blushing?" Elsa giggled.

"Am I?" I sounded more surprised than I felt.

"Er ... yes!" Elsa looked at me. "It's okay to admit it, you know."

"It's too early," I looked down. "Far too early."

"Glacier," said Elsa. "Are you hiding the fact that you have feelings for someone?"

"How do you know?" I hid my face from her.

"It's obvious," said Elsa. "You are showing signs."

Damn it! "Not here," I said. "Not when the kitchen door is open!"

Elsa got the hint and lead me into our room. Then we sat down on my bed.

"Go on," said Elsa.
"Er ... I do have feelings for someone!" I admitted.

"Who is this lucky girl?" Asked Elsa.

I grinned. "Isn't it obvious?"

Elsa put her arms round me. "Aww, Glace," she pulled me to her.

I could tell she was blushing because she was giggling too much.

"I ... I tried so hard to hide it." I giggled.

"That proves I'm better at it than you," said Elsa. "Sorry, Glacier!"

I smiled. "It's okay. We can't always be good at everything."

Elsa got up and walked to tthe corner where both our school bags were. I joined her tripping over something. Elsa noticed and giggled a bit.

"Are ... Are you alright?"

I smiled. "That's the perks of being completely blind, you know!"

Elsa giggled. "I'm blind without my glasses. So I know."

I found my cane and smiled. "Do I take my phone?"

"I wouldn't," said Elsa.

But I slid it in my pocket in my white shirt. Elsa giggled. "Cheeky girl, aren't we,Baker!"

I grinned. "You know it!"

"Water bottle," she mumbled under her breath. "Er ... Glace!"

I stared in her direction. "Yeah?"

"Do you need the pocket knife?" Elsa sounded suddenly serious.

"No?" I tried to hide my wrist away.
"You need to stop it," said Elsa seriously. "I know you are unhappy at home. But that's not the answer. Talk to someone about it."

My head went down. "Can't help it."

Elsa came over and hugged me gently. "That's why you got new cuts in your wrist."

I nodded. I suffered badly with depression. As well as Anxiety and my Autism. I couldn't help being who I was. My life went upside down since we found out I had what I had.

"Listen," said Elsa. "Talk to me if you feel like hurting yourself. I can help you."

I shrugged. "And make your life more unbearable?"

Elsa hugged me. "Glace. I don't care. You are not stupid or dumb or whatever. You deserve to have a life."

I smiled. "I know that, Elsa. But at least you got out of your toxic life. At least you were safe for a bit from your mum. I haven't. I had it for thirteen years."

I felt the tears come. Now I had to clean my eyes again.



Elsa and Glacier are going to be a very great couple.

Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill Brook book 1 - (completed)Where stories live. Discover now