Chapter 103: Wedding day part 2:

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Elisabeth's POV:

I looked round the room where Arianna and David were getting married. It looked so beautiful. The chairs had red and white cloth drapped over them, the isle had a purple carpet for us all to walk down, the stage was decorated with pink, purple, red, blue and white flowers, Button sat there with her diamond studded collar on show. It was so lovely. Glacier woore a beautiful gold dress with beads on her neck line and hem of the dress. Her hair was in two braids. My dress was similar but light blue. My blond hair was braided, too! Alaska was wearing a similar dress to us butt was green. Her red hair was down, but curled. She had blue eyeliner, red lipstick and glitter round her green eyes. The others were in similar dresses, but different colours.

Glacier clung onto my hand. I felt the sweat and put my free arm round her. She looked so nervous. Bless her.

"You will be fine," I whispered into her ear. "Trust me. Nothing bad will happen."

Glacier sighed and looked down. I gently made her look up at me.

"What's up, seriously?" I questioned her. "They are all behind bars, thanks to us."

"I guess," sighed my girlfriend. "But still, you know what Emily and Diana are like."

"Glace," I said. "The police have put extra security on their cells. CCTV and the like! I'm pretty sure they couldn't break free!"

"I hope you are right," sighed my girlfriend.

"It's about to begin," said Scarlet who joined us. "Everything's going to be okay, Glace."

Glacier nodded. Then took a deep breath and exhaled it. I felt her relax and held her hand again. I gently squeezed it.

"Let's go!" I whispered.

Glacier nodded and I lead her forward so we were behind Lilly, Kate and Bruno. Alaska and Scarlet were behind us. Winter was following Arianna as her bride's-maid. The music started and we were off.


It was after the reception, I was with David and Arianna. Glacier was sat down with Button who was acting as her guide dog for the day!

"Congratulations, Mr and MRS Baker!" I joked with them.

They laughed and hugged me.

"Thank you, Elsa!" David smiled.

"Do you trust Luna to look after the eight of us when you go to New York next week?" Winter said coming up.

"Maria will do most of the care, darling!" Arianna reassured her.

"What's wrong with my sister looking after you?" Scarlet looked offended.

"Girls," I said. "Let's not ruin David and Arianna's special day."

"The younger ones are staying with Luna," said David. "You four and Alaska are staying at Maria's. And don't worry, Button and Shelby do get along!"

"It is like they were pals from another life," said Arianna.

Glacier stood up and Button gently guided her to us. The Husky cross whimpered and sat at her feet.

"Are you okay?" I turned to Glacier. "Want a drink or something?"

Glacier shook her head. "Button heard her name and thought we should join you!"

David hugged his eldest daughter.

"Well done for not panicking," he said to her. "Elsa told us of your concerns. But nothing bad happened."

"Yeah," said Glacier. "I guess I calmed down quickly."

"But even so," said David. "You made it through it with no proper panic attacks."

Glacier shrugged. But she didn't say anything.

"When is it food time, Dad?" Came Lilly's voice from the corridor. "Bruno is getting hungry!"

"Soon," said David.

"Okay!" Lilly's voice said.

We all looked at one another. I could tell that Glacier was relaxed now. Bless her! I felt happy, too! Glacier's family were the nicest bunch. Well, apart from Emily. But she was in prison. Arianna is part of the family now!



Don't worry, this isn't quite the end of the first story. But this is the last of the wedding chapters!

Hope you enjoyed it.

Do you have any questions about this book or want any hints for the future books?

Put them in the comments below and I'll answer them in my Announcement book!

See you for the final chapter soon, everyone!

Wolfie out!

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