Chapter 83: GlacierS Birthday surprise

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Elisabeth's POV:

Over the next few weeks, The Wedding plans for David and Arianna were underway. Me and Glacier, along with Alaska, Maria, Scarlet, Winter, Lily, Kate, Bruno and Luna helped out. Alaska and Maria always called us over the phone. We were all excited.

But, today was different. Me and the rest of the Baker family and friends were planning something secret. Today, was Glacier and Alaska's fifteenth birthday. We were at school, still. But David and I hatched a secret plan who I kept from even Scarlet and Winter! Alaska was coming over from Spain for a week, triling out at Inkwell school. School wasn't going well for her in Spain. She was bullied for the fact that she could bodyshift. Poor Girl. She was coming to Mill Brook as well. Apparently, her vision was slightly going.

I was the first up that morning, getting my present ready. I brought Glacier a brailled card from some shop. I was wrapping my present which was a stress toy. She broke her last one and was upset about it. I sighed as I finished wrapping it.

"What are you doing?" Glacier was awake.

"Oh," I said. "I was just checking if our bags are ready for school!"

Not the best lie, Elisabeth.

"Okay," said my girlfriend.

She got up and sat on her bed. I walked over and sat beside her. "Happy birthday, Glace!"

"Thank you," said Glacier, sounding a bit sad.

"Hey," I said putting my arm round her shoulder. "What's up?"

"Just the fact that it'll be another birthday without Wolfie," said Glacier, her voice breaking.

"Oh, honey!" I wrapped my arms round her as she broke down. "It's okay. You have me, Winter and Scarlet with you."

There was a pattering of paws outside our door. Then a whine came to our ears.

"Button's here, sweetie," I said. "Do you want her to come in?"

"Glacier, Elsa?" Scarlet's voice came through the door. "We have a visitor."

"Yes," sniffled Glacier. "Let them in."

"Okay," I said. "Come in, Scar!"

The door opened and Scarlet came in, Button following her in. But she wasn't alone. I smiled at the other dog and smiled. "Glace," I said gently. "We do really have a visitor."

The second dog came bounding up and sat down. I petted her head. "Good girl!"

Alaska frowned at me and barked a slight annoyed bark.

"Wolfie?" Glacier suddenly stopped crying. "Is that really you?"

Alaska looked towards her twin and nuzzled her. Scarlet smiled at me. "Great present, Elsa!"

"I know," I said. "I wanted to cheer her up."

Alaska shifted back in to human and sat beside Glacier. "Yes, Glacie! It's me."

"I ... I ..." Glacier was speechless.

Alaska smiled at me. "Well done from keeping it a secret, Elsa. I didn't want Glace to get too excited just in case it didn't work out."

"What are you doing here?" Glacier sounded surprised.

"I'm looking to transfer back home." Alaska hugged her. "For education purposes. The schools in Spain don't exactly get about my special ability."

Button trotted up and sat with us. She barked at us. Alaska giggled. "She wants you to pet her, Glace. And wishes you Happy birthday. She's already wished me it."

Glacier reached out and Button licked her hand. "Thank you, girl!"

Alaska grinned at Button. "Good girl!"

We smiled as Button wagged her tail. Then Alaska stood up. "I better let you girls get ready. I'll see you in Tutor! I share with Scarlet for the next week."

"Really?" Glacier looked confused. "Is your vision going, Wolfie?"

"Yeah," sighed Alaska. "It's a bit of a mystery. Dad's going to see what's going on. I didn't like my week in Inkwell that much. I can see why you hated it, sis!"

"The bullying there is so bad," said Glacier. "It's good to see you again."

"And you," said Alaska hugging her. "You be brave for us, when I go back next week, though. Okay?"

Glacier nodded. "I hope you enjoy your time here. Even if it's for a week."

"Well I'm with my sister and her friends," said Alaska. "Why wouldn't I enjoy it?"

"Pre-warning, though," said Glacier. "We have a bully here. His name is Biscuit."

"Thank you for the warning," said Alaska. "See you at Breakfast."

Then she shifted back in to her Husky and trotted off. Scarlet smiled. "Happy Birthday, Glace. It's good to see you smiling like you are."

Then she got up and followed Alaska out the room. Button remained and looked at me.

"She's okay, girl!" I petted the Husky cross on the ears. "Promise."

Glacier did look happy. "So how long have you and dad been hiding that from me?"

"The last month," I admitted. "Was that a good surprise?"

"Of course it is," said my girlfriend hugging me. "Thank you!"

"Aww," I said. "You're welcome, Glacie."

Glacier got up and I followed. Button sat down and watched us as we got into our uniform. Glacier looked so much happier. I was happy that she was happy.


A/N: awww. Wolfie and Glacie are back to together for a while.

Sorry if it triggers people, but I wanted to write this chapter. I was planning to do a similar chapter/section in book 2. But I chose to do in book 1 instead. Plus in book two is when something really sad will happen. But won't spoil it until we get there.

And I might of lied about the chapter number. It might be a bit longer now. So more story willl be coming.

See you in chapter 84 for the rest of Alaska and Glacier's birthday. This chapter will be told in Alaska's point of view, to change things up a bit.

Wolfie out!

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