Chapter 10

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Once again you step your foot on liyue harbour as it is lively as always, as you were walking. people started looking at you with curiosity on their faces as well as admiration to the young ones.

"She's looking fancy"

"A suitor perhaps? But she's a woman"

"Then she's a suitress, I've never seen any woman trying to court the tianquan. This is the first one"

"I do want to know where is she from, perhaps snezhnaya?"

"From how she dress maybe she is from snezhnaya"

Gossips everywhere and you can clearly hear every last one of it which made you annoyed from all the whispering on your surroundings like bees trying to annoy you for some reason.

But luckily they don't recognized you even though your horns are showing, they didn't even notice it as they were too busy knowing where you came from and what's your business here.

Later you reach yujing terrace as you look up and can already see the jade chamber above you as you wonder how those mortals can get up there.

Just then two the other one was not human as you can scent her smell isn't what mortal smell like.

"Greetings, suitress from snezhnaya"

One of them spoke, the mortal one as you look at her and greeted back.

"Greetings to you as well er..."

You examine their clothes and it looks like they are one of the tianquan's assistant because you did saw some of them working for that woman dress like that.

" must be the tianquan's secretaries, a pleasure to meet you. I am f/n from snezhnaya"

"It is surprising to have a suitress from snezhnaya as the tianquan never had one that came from that nation"

"We snezhnayan prefer work than courting but courting the tianquan is like making a deal with business and so I came to court your tianquan. Not to mention I was forced to"

"Are you sure you came for business? The tianquan had quite a look that can charm anyone"

She said as you just chuckled and put your hands behind your back.

"I may have met some women who is prettier for my eyes but I guess we'll see"

You said as you then look at the other one that was not human which is sleeping while standing up. The mortal then woke her up and talk to her for a moment as you just examined her to which you notice her horns.

That confirms that she isn't human, how can you not notice it earlier? An adepti maybe? You sigh quietly as the two then look at you and told you to follow them and you did

You three hop on the jade rocks as you watch them say some code word for it to move and it did as the jade rocks started moving up to the jade chamber.

While waiting patiently, the adepti one then suddenly spoke as she was talking to you.

"Your not just a normal suitress"

She said and suddenly pointed your horns to which you look at her quite nervous.

"You must be an adepti from snezhnaya perhaps?"

Relief overcomes your body when she thought that your an adepti from snezhnaya as you just nod at her and spoke.

"That's right, I am an adepti from snezhnaya"

You then look at her horns for a sec before looking back at her.

"And you must be one of the adeptis here I see?"

"You notice as well huh"

"Well your horns are showing and no mere human had horns unless it's costume but"

You suddenly lean your hand and poke her horns which she flinch a little on the sudden touch and immediately look at you flustered.

You progressed a little bit and immediately retracted your hand and the mortal suddenly spoke.

"Apologies, ganyu's horns are sensitive even by just a little poke"

"I-i see...I understand since I have a sensitive horns as well but I never thought hers would be more sensitive than any other adepti's apologies"

"Mhm..don't be, your curious to know if it's costume or not.."

Just then silent filled your surroundings but luckily you reach the jade chamber as you went off the jade rocks and look at the jade chambers.

"Please follow us inside"

The mortal said as you nod and followed them inside to meet the tianquan.

Fallen Adepti (journey to liyue) book2Where stories live. Discover now