Chapter 41

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Shenhe took the sunset vermillionite back at liyue harbour with you just following her behind still quite impressed by her strength.

Shenhe noticed your staring as she suddenly spoke which made you snap out of it.

"Is there something on your mind that you want to tell me?"

"'s retainer really puts all her blood and sweats raising you to be like this"

"You are so surprised to be seeing a woman carrying a sunset vermillionite without difficulty, you do know I'm an adeptus like you right?"

"I know but there are some adepti who aren't capable of such strength like you or me so I'm quite impressed"

You complimented her strength to which she just looked at you with her straight face but then nod before looking to the front.

"It's the first time someone said that to me"

"Oh? How so?"

"I never interacted with humans in liyue harbour as I told myself that I am different from them..which is why I'm having a thought if I should really stay at liyue harbour or just go back to the mountains where I'm most comfortable and familiar with"

"Cloud retainer is an adeptus, it's only normal for you to be raised Through the mountains and not with those mortals instead to which is why I understand your new to all these mortal things they do to which adepti don't understand"

" seem to be familiar with it very well and you can blend in with them like you're one of long did it take for you to adjust?"

"Well.. actually I'm not really a fan of being blended with these mortals but after being trapped with an ice for 500 years and so many things change, I had no choice but to blend in with those mortals"

"You..have been trapped for 500 years?"

"Yeah, which is why I don't know what happened after all those years"

" must be hard for you"

"What do you mean?"

"Being trapped for that didn't know what happened. You look like a lost soul trying to cope with the new world"


You didn't respond for a moment as you are indeed like a lost soul because you are not from this world but you find this world more comforting than your world.

After a short while you spoke.

"It's true that I am not from this world, my friend who found me said I came from the sky falling without my world betrayed me as well as my god..I am a fallen adepti that has the ability to handle your elemental abilities without a so called vision"

"Do you not miss your old home somehow? Even when you said your world betrayed you?"

"I don't..In fact..I like it here, even though there's still mortals living in this world of yours..some of them are.."

A glimpse of the people in mondsadt and some people in liyue harbour flood to your mind as you smiled a little bit.

"Some of them are special to me.."

You said quietly though shenhe clearly hears that and just nod slightly as you reach brought back the sunset vermillionite with people looking at shenhe surprised by how she carried that thing all the way here.

"Oh my god I can't believe my eyes!"

"How can she lift that massive rock all by herself!? She's gotta be one of those adepti, surely?"

"Oh, mighty adeptus, please give me your blessing, so that in the coming year, I may reap a more bountiful salary..."

People started gossiping as one of ningguang secretaries then examined the vermillionite.

"This is top tier, In size and in quality, and the condition it's in is quite simply immaculate... congratulations, this item is approve for submission

Her secretary said looking at shenhe.

"I'm going to reward you full marks for the sunset vermillionite item....may I take your name?"

"My name isn't important, I'm not even here to compete"

"I am just delivering this for her-"

Just when she turned to look in your direction you were nowhere to be seen to which she was surprised as she didn't notice your disappearance though she can still feel your presence somewhere.


Shenhe then turn to face ningguang's helper.

"I could only say that I only help a person take this sunset vermillionite here.. she'll be here in any minute I assure you"

"I see..well then come find me when your friend arrive, if you excuse me"

The secretary said before leaving while shenhe then started finding you and just a short while she found you not so far from the location at the jade chamber.

She approached you while you just admired the sunset vermillionite quietly.

"Why did you disappeared so sudden? You could've get the chance to win"

"..I don't plan to, I just want to help the tianquan with my own will. I don't need those reward"

"..the of the people who you consider special to you?"

You didn't respond for a moment and kept your gaze at the vermillionite.

"She is.."

"I see..may I ask how it felt like when you consider someone special?"

"Have you..never experienced it?"

"No...I haven't"

"..I see..I guess that's expected haven't showed a single reaction even when people praise you"

"I've received compliment like those before"

"Well you are an adeptus, people will likely praise and worship you"

"But I am not..."

"What do you mean?"

Shenhe didn't spoke for a while then sigh.

"Nevermind what I said, I'll be taking a rest"

"Then use one of the hotels here"

"No need, I'll be in the wilderness and meditate for some while"

"It is already late, shenhe. You want to take a rest then use on of the room. I already brought one"


"No buts, rest. You need it"

You said not giving her anytime to refute as she just sigh and then nod.

"Alright, I'll be going inside now"

You only nod at her as she then went inside on the room you brought for her as you then felt someone's presence not so far to which you then look up and saw cloud retainer.

You summon your wings and then fly towards cloud retainer as you landed beside her.

"So you have already met my disciple"

"Yeah, she's quite a fit to be an adeptus I can say that"

"Hmm.. elaborate what you meant"

You then looked at cloud retainer"

"At first I believe she's one of us..but the smell of adepti and mortals are different"

You said as you hid your wings and put your hands behind your back.

"She's human isn't she?"

Fallen Adepti (journey to liyue) book2Where stories live. Discover now