Chapter 12

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It took a while for the agreement you had with the tianquan as you listen to every word she said about your agreement since you need to be cautious as she is not just any other humans in this world.

This woman is clever than you thought which you really need for her to trust you so she won't get suspicious to you.

"I believe that is all that we need to agree about, f/n"


"Well then now that we both agreed to it then why don't we sign the contract now to proceed that you'll be my first and ever suitress that came from snezhnaya"

She said and showed you the contract you need to sign as you look at it and archons you will really get everything she had as well if you manage to win her.

Though you don't need any of these as you are an adepti which you can easily have these much if you want to.

You took a quill and sign it without hesitation as she was surprised as you then brought back the quill and look at her.

"I'm surprise that you didn't even hesitate to sign in despite the rumours you heard from the former suitors I had"

"Rumours are rumours and maybe they don't have the talent to win someone like you. After all, you are the tianquan of liyue qixing"

"Hmm~ looks like you already knew a lot about me, f/n"

The tianquan then move up from her chair and lean close to you while you just look at her.

"Though I must say you don't have a lot of information, not even in snezhnaya. Your own nation"

She suddenly said as she slid her fingers that had claws on your chin as you smiled at her.

"My families don't want to be known to the whole teyvat"

"Like to be mysterious?"

"Maybe? Maybe not, we prefer to be unknown as it's more safer and less traitor"

"I see"

She smiled and lean back up as she started walking out of her desk while your eyes followed her.

"Come now, f/n. I'll tour you around liyue harbour"

She suddenly said as you just nod at her and stood up as well and followed her. You went down the jade chamber as you quietly followed the tianquan and watch her do what she wants to.

To your surprised she is loved by the people in liyue despite the rumours that her suitors had spread about her cruelty.

Though you assume she's just cruel about people who deserve to be treated like that, mountain shaper did tell you that her former suitors is either came for her money or power.

Though you don't care any of that as you only need to be her suitress for a while until the real threat appeared in this nation.

Hopefully by that time, your name will be cleared and you can finally go back to Mondstadt. While walking you suddenly scent some lavender perfume which made you remembered Lisa as you smiled and suddenly followed the scent.

Meanwhile the tianquan notice your absence as she look around and saw you went to the corner which she assume you scent the perfume as she followed you there.

Once you got there you look around and found a small house and a woman that looks like she was the one who made that perfume.

The woman then notice your presence and smiled.

"Ara~, quite an elegant guest I had~"

You look at the perfume beside her before looking back at her.

"Did you made those?"

"Hmm~ are you perhaps here to try putting your hands on my homemade perfume~?"


You were quite speechless on what she just said about you putting your hands in her homemade perfume which somehow sounds wrong..

"I...I smelled the lavender perfume and it brought me here"

"Did you perhaps remembered someone who had that scent?"

*Her thoughts are correct, archons who is this woman?*

"From what you wear, your not from this nation"

"That's correct, I came from snezhnaya"

"Ara~ my homemade perfume even reach snezhnaya, I'm flattered"

Just then she suddenly went close to you and smelled your scent which you just move a little away from her as she just smiled at you.

"You got taste on perfume as well"

*Perfume? I don't even wear one...perhaps mountain shaper is the one who put it in my clothes*

You look around her perfume and just suddenly took one so you can finally avoid this mortal.

Right at the moment, the tianquan appeared as you both notice her presence and the woman smiled.

"Ms. Ningguang, a pleasant surprise for you to come here"

"Actually I followed my suitress which look like she came here for your homemade perfume"

"Ara~ then I guess these are for you~ she does have a fine taste on perfume as she pick the perfume with soft by lingering scent, like a mist that captures the last light of dusk which Mature women adore this one"

She explain the perfume you had as you were confused as the tianquan then smiled.

"It's only the first day and you already know my perfume"

She then lean close to your ear.

"Did you perhaps scent my perfume when I'm this close?~"

You became a little flustered as you suddenly spoke.

"A-a gift for you would be nice since I'm your suitress and I figured you would like a perfume as a gift"

You then took something from your pocket which is mora.

"I would like to buy all of it"

Both of them were surprised and ningguang was amused as your willing to buy something for her even though you just met.

She just smiled at you as she watch you brought all of it without hesitation.

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