Chapter 43

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The next day came and you woke up early since you need to check on shenhe because you forgot to tell her last night that you didn't sleep there and she'll be suspicious once she found out that your nowhere to be seen.

You fix your clothes before turning your attention to your tianquan and lean in to give her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the wangshu inn.

You flew back to liyue harbour and landed down just in time because you saw shenhe just came out and immediately notice your presence to which you just approached her.

Just then she spoke.

"....master has relayed my situation to you, I take it"

You got surprised for a sec then responded.

"So you heard?"

"Well I intended to wait until you came back before going to sleep but I didn't hear you come in"

"I was worried that something may have happened to you so I went outside to check and caught sight of my master"

"I'm not surprised if she told you about me..after all master is..very talkative"

"Well I really didn't intend to know because I thought you were an adepti that I haven't seen before in liyue but turns out I'm wrong."

"The fault is mine for not explaining to you sooner. because in my experiences, trying to explain is a futile pursuit"

"Though even when you mistooked me for being an never treated me as a distant and unapproachable. Instead, you treated me as you would a friend...."

"Why should I treat you distant and unapproachable when your not different? Not to mention I'm an adepti so even if you were an adeptus I wouldn't treat you like that and same goes for you being human"

"Judging by how you look, you look more human than being an actual adeptus well except for the horns"

"Because I'm blending in with humans to which I need to appear more human than being an adepti"

"Still..I am very grateful indeed"

She smiled a bit while you just looked at her and spoke.

"Though there's only few mortals who I get along with, could say you've been a part of..being my friend if that's what mortals call it"

"Got it. although I don't know quite what it entails in terms of what i have to do. I must say I like the title "friend" very much indeed"

"You'll figure it out once you know more about mortals living in liyue harbour, I suggest you can observe quite a few people who get along well"

You said while shenhe took note of that while you then started working.

"Well then let's see how the rebuild of the jade chamber is going"

You said while shenhe just nod and followed behind. Along the way you have brought some grilled chicken drumstick and share it with shenhe.

"Try it, that one tastes better than herbal medicines"

"Mhm..I has a rich flavor, far more agreeable than those I've cooked for myself in the wilderness in the past"

You reach the rebuilding site again as you saw the jade chamber already floating although there's something holding it down.

" seems like it is still in progress-"

Just then you felt a force was thrown into you as a pair of arms was wrapped on your neck and a soft thing smash into your face.

"Long time no see, mate!"

You recognize the voice and it was none other than beidou while your face was in between her breast to which you tried to get away but beidou kept you firm that prevents you from breathing.

Though you manage to get away and gasped for air while beidou smiled widely seeing that she was happy to see you again.

Shenhe noticed the closure of you both and observe quietly.

"I haven't seen you since the war of osial"

"Well you could say when I was recovering, ningguang prevented me from going out until I was fully healed to which is why I just stayed in wangshu inn for the past days"

"Tch, did she really did that? Just because your her pretended suitress Doesn't mean she needs to lock you up"

".... putting it like that sounds like she's treating me like a prisoner which is not, she's just worried for me beidou"

"Worried or is she keeping you away from me?"

"..I know you and ningguang don't get along but I assure you she's not keeping me away from you because if she is, I wouldn't be here standing Infront of you"

"..fair enough but you need to pay for all the days you've missed to visit me and the crux so maybe after the rebuilding of the jade chamber I'll invite you to the ship to party"

"Fine, I'll go"

"Oh you better be"

"You have my word"

Beidou only smiled while you then saw Yun Jin and greeted her as well as baiwen.

For a while baiwen explained the progress of the rebuilding of the jade chamber to which you all just listen but then she mentioned something.

"By the way, lady ningguang said that you're the person who actually found the sunset vermillionite so I would write your name on the list"

You were surprised and was about to refuse but then baiwen had already left to continue her work while beidou then spoke.

"So your the one who found the plaustrite? Heh~ not surprised that it was found so quickly"

"..I didn't came alone, my friend shenhe here help me..honestly I told her that she shouldn't include me on the winners.."

They then looked at shenhe to which they are not clearly familiar with her.

"Right..well it seems like I need some introduction to do here..."

You mumbled while you introduce them shenhe.

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