Chapter 15

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Just as she was about to kiss you, you suddenly took something which is her fan as you open it and covered your faces from the kids as she stop mid way and look as she then chuckled.

"Ara~ is this how shy you become when someone is watching us?"

"This is just a role play, children have such imagination that they could imagine us already kiss behind this fan"

Ningguang just giggled as you can hear the kids saying it's unfair because they can't see it as you then took off the fan and look at them.

"Alright, you little mortals. It's already getting late, you all need to go back to your shelters"

"But we didn't even see if you kiss Ms. Ningguang!"

"That's rights it's unfair!"

"Do it again but this time no fan!"

The kids demand to redo the kiss since they didn't saw it as you sigh and spoke.

"You little mortals have such a big imagination right? Why don't you imagine it instead?"

You said as they all look and did tried imagining it as some of them already started day dreaming as you took this chance to run away from the kids as you suddenly took hold of ningguang's hand and left the shore.

Your speed can't match with ningguang's speed as she was having a hard time catching up to you as you then decided to pulled her close and carried her bridal style and kept running.

Ningguang was surprised as she suddenly held you by the neck and watch how fast you can run.

"Well, Aren't you in a hurry?"

"You still had work right?"

"Yes but I'm sure it's not that late"

"It pretty sure is late, the sun is already setting"

You said as ningguang then look and saw the sun already setting down as she was surprised and chuckled.

"Ara~ I might have enjoyed those children's game with you"

"It sure is but we'll make it in time"

You said and suddenly jump through the roofs and rush towards yujing terrace.

Ningguang watch how you run and carried her like that and she smiled once again and quite held you tightly which you notice it.

"This feels like another roleplay but this time, I can imagine that I was married to someone I didn't like but..."

She look at you directly in the eyes and smiled.

"You interrupted that wedding and pulled my hand and carried me as you run away from the wedding while taking me with you"

You blink a few times on the sudden imagination of ningguang as you slightly squinted your eyes and sigh.

"I thought only kids can have such imagination.."

Ningguang then chuckled and laid on your shoulder to relax and cherish this moment.

"I guess adults can imagine such thing as well"

She said as you just look at her for a sec and look back to the direction your running through as you can already see yujing terrace not far from you both and Continue running.

Meanwhile on northland bank, two harbingers just went back on their mission as they still had plenty to do more tomorrow as they need to take a rest for now.

A ginger guy was just talking with some fatuis when suddenly they notice someone's presence as the ginger guy look and suddenly smiled.

"Oya?, Your finally back. La signora"

The guy said as he look at signora who gave her a cold look like how she gave everyone.

"Step aside, tartaglia. I need to rest as I still have plenty of task to finish tomorrow"

"Not even sparing some time for us to drink?"

"It's a waste of time"

Signora went pass by tartaglia as she went inside the bank while tartaglia chuckled.

"I was about to tell her that strange adepti might make a move tonight but oh well"

Tartaglia look at the sunset as he kept smiling.

"no interruptions is more better"

Tartaglia then saw you running from the roofs while carrying the tianquan on your arms with such speed.

"Such great speed..I wonder how strong you are"

Fallen Adepti (journey to liyue) book2Where stories live. Discover now