Chapter 35

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"there's too many fatuis"

"We can't hold on much longer.."

The fatuis then started charging at one of the adepti's as one of them was about to hammer cloud retainer when keqing immediately appeared infront of the fatui and slashed him away.

"Hang in there"

Ningguang said as she uses her geo to make the shield more stronger to the adepti's.

Just then someone appeared behind keqing and was about to swing it's sword but luckily ganyu shot him before his sword reached keqing.

Keqing only looked at ganyu and nod slightly as a thank you while ganyu gave her a slight smile before dealing with the other fatuis.

Meanwhile osial was getting more powerful and it was only a matter of time before he destroyed liyue harbour.

Not to mention the fatuis are delaying them as they keep on coming. Ningguang furrowed her brows and only gritted her teeth slightly as she thought of a way to save liyue harbour.

Just then the adepti's started Chuckling as they looked at osial.

"Where is she when you need this girl?"

Mountain shaper said as he sigh while moon carver chuckled.

"Must be dealing with that guy with ginger hair"

Madame ping then only sigh at the two.

"Give the kid a break you two"

"Thou needs to deal with osial"

Moon carver said as cloud retainer spoke.

"Silence...she's here"

Just when all the fatuis have gathered and was about to attack the adepti's, a strong lightning strikes in the middle making all the fatuis scattered and fall on the jade chamber while a person appeared in the mist.

There cloud retainer smiled when she saw that horns, the ginormous reptile tail and that scales on some of your face.

"Sorry I'm late"

"Took you long enough"

Mountain shaper said as you just sigh at him.

"Look what matters most is that I'm here"

You said while the fatuis started charging at you while you just flick your finger and cryo started spreading everywhere and froze the fatuis.

You then use your geo to strong the shield on the adepti's while you then looked at ningguang as she was already looking at you quite surprised that you appeared and even reveal your true identity.

Though she already know who you are but she's not expecting that you will reveal yourself not to mention in the middle of the war.

You only gave her a reassuring smile before turning to face osial as you walk through the tip of the jade chamber and summon your sword.

Osial felt your presence as he looked towards your direction.

"Strange one, we met again"

"I guess that fatui named tartaglia is the one who freed you"

You said and started flying towards osial and stop in the middle.

"Here I thought he defeated you and I was beginning to feel disappointed not until you appeared without scratch"

"Do you seriously think that a mortal can defeat me?"

I then looked at him as he was about to speak when suddenly one of the heads froze which made him surprised as you didn't even budge on your position.

"I can already see why morax had defeated you so easily"

He then glared at you and started roaring as he use his power and sent it towards you only for you to dodge it before freezing it since it's coming towards the jade chamber.

He then attacked you as you use blocked him as you were push a little. meanwhile the adepti's and the others went back on what they're doing to help you defeat osial.

Keqing and the others was surprised that you can handle osial who fought morax back then.

Xiao only smiled while he dealt with the fatuis. With the helped of the others and even the crux pirates osial was beginning to feel that he was losing since any type of attack he use, you would freeze them to prevent it from going towards the jade chamber.

He then roared loudly while he use his final attack that will wipe out liyue harbour.

You immediately felt this and went towards him but then you notice your arms are slowly surrounded by the cryo as you beginning to feel cold.

You realize you were at your limit since you were using too much ever since you fought with tartaglia.

You shrug it off as you need to save this nation and it's people as you fly towards osial and started freezing him whole.

He then growled as he struggled while you kept using your cryo and it started spreading all over you as well.

Cloud retainer notice it and alert the others.

"We must defeat osial immediately before y/n reached her limit!"

The other adeptus soon notice that your cryo are spreading everywhere on your body.

"She's using too much!"

They begin to panick and thought of a way while ningguang just stayed silent and thought for a moment.

Not long she started speaking and looked at them.

"I'll sacrifice the jade chamber"

The others got surprised.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"In order to save liyue harbour and my suitress, sacrificing the jade chamber is the only option"

"...I understand"

Xiao then wore his mask as the adepti's started preparing.

"Alatus get y/n"

Cloud retainer said as Xiao then immediately use his anemo to go towards you.

You were still using your cryo and it's already spreading above your neck when suddenly someone grabbed you as you got surprised and looked to see Xiao.


"sacrificing yourself is meaningless"

He said as he took you to the jade chamber while you looked at everyone.


You then looked at ningguang when she called you not by your fake name but your real name as she spoke.

"Please, lend me a hand"

You then looked at everyone else as you realize she will sacrifice the jade chamber as you looked at her for a sec before nodding.

You summon your sword as they started to to circle around you.

"Farewell old friend"

"Goodbye for now"

"Let us meet again in the future"

With that you stab the ground with your sword as the jade chamber started falling while the adepti's took the mortals as they started flying.

You on the other hand went to take ningguang even though your already at your limit as you fly away from the jade chamber as it fell on osial and explode.

You all landed on the shore while you put ningguang down as you looked at her and you can see the hurt in her eyes when she decided to sacrifice the jade chamber.

Ningguang then held your cheeks as she felt your skin are cold and it's not normal.


"I'm alright"

You immediately said as you smiled at her. She was about to speak when you suddenly fell on the sand unconscious.

The only thing You heard is your name repeating over and over before you slumber through the darkness.

Fallen Adepti (journey to liyue) book2Where stories live. Discover now